A song murdered by someone.

Is there a cover version of a song you like by the original artist that has been in your ears truly murdered by a covering artist?
Mine is 'Everybody Knows' by Leonard Cohen, absolutely murdered by Barb Jungr.

Technically, it's not a cover version since it was the songs first release; but I just heard Nico's version of Jackson Browne's "These Days" on the radio for the first time yesterday. Murdered might have been the literal description, since if that was the first version I ever heard I'd have thought it was a terrible song and made a point to avoid it for the rest of my life. I'm surprised the song survived that vicious attack. YMMV

PS. I know we do have to give Nico some thanks for getting JB some recognition early in his career. I wonder if it helped or hindered.
@2channel8, omg isn’t Nico awful? Just like everything connected with Andy Warhol (yes, including The Velvet Underground ;-), complete and utter bs. Jackson Browne, on the other hand, remains under-appreciated. A great songwriter and a good singer, with superb taste in musicians.
Kanye West attempting 21st Century Schizoid Man.  West or any other “rapper” should not be within 500 feet of Crimson restraining orders need to be filed.
Si Tu Vois Ma Mere...by Sidney Bechet..........strangely mangled to death by none other than Woody Allen. I became obsessed with this song after seeing  Midnight In Paris and listened to many versions
on youtube . Came across Woody's live version and it was rough 
to say the least........but his movie was excellent.
Anything by William Shatner. He's about to release a Christmas album, so my "this version is tripe" list is about to get longer.
Tip Toe Through the Tulips by Tiny Tim has to be on a top 10 list of song covers.
Soft Cell absolutely slaughtering Gloria Jones sublime Tainted Love.

Tiffany's appalling cover of Tommy James I Think We're Alone Now.

Mariah Carey destroying Badfinger's Without You.

Van Halen's soulless attempt at The Kinks, You Really Got Me.

The Beatles lame version of Barrett Strong's Money. In fact nearly everything The Beatles covered.

I love the Beatles covers.  I agree with you about the Van Halen cover you mention.