A reappearance of Black Diamond Racing?

I received an email from Music Direct a couple weeks ago offering the BDR shelves again. Anyone else notice this? I use them extensively in my system and actually use carbon fiber sheets in DIY projects. I'm a big fan of CF's usefulness in audio.
I'm struggling to get a basis for the cones. I will not be able to until later.I think what is "clear"...is that I'm getting close to the full potential of my K&K phono pre-amp. Lovin'it!

"Speak of the Devil and he will appear". Upon going into New Listings this afternoon, I quickly saw a set of four BDR 2-3/4" Pucks, exactly what I have been intent, as previously stated, on obtaining. The asking price was $120 shipped, but my offer of $100 was immediately accepted. My use of the Pucks may be unusual, but part of their beauty is in their versatility.

I have a set of Eminent Technology LFT-8b loudspeakers with dedicated Sound Anchor stands (a bit of a misnomer; it is more a base than a stand), the stand being a 3-point design. Meaning, the stand has threaded holes in three locations for the provided spikes. One location is in the middle of it’s rear side, which sits just behind the back end of the speaker’s woofer enclosure. The other two are at the front end of the two "limbs" which extend out in front of the LFT-8b (picture the front legs of the Egyptian Sphinx, or of your chillin’ dog).

But I decided to replace the spikes (they’re so 20th Century ;-) with Townshend Seismic Pods, for isolation from rather than coupling to the floor. That’s fine, but the Pod isn’t really "happy" on a carpet and it’s padding (neither is the IsoAcoustics GAIA), as it’s bottom plate is just a thin sheet of, I presume, steel. I have a set of four BDR Those Things (2-3/4" square), and it occurred to me they would make a fine base for the Pods. Great, but I have only four, two shy of my needs.

Upon looking for another two Those Things, I discovered the BDR Puck, which is simply a round version of the Thing. And, the Puck is 2-3/4" in diameter, same as the bottom plate of the Pod. Too cool! So of course I decided I had to have the Pucks, a perfect aesthetic match for the Pod. Six would be great, but as the back Pod can’t be seen, four will suffice (my delicate aesthetic sensibilities able to deal with such unsightliness ;-). And I now have them.

Speaking of the Townshend Pod, it is weight rated and available in a bunch of "sizes". Since there are two support points at the front of the SA stand, and only one at the rear, the one at the rear "carries" more weight (the LFT-8b’s mass is centered on the middle of the SA stand), and requires a stiffer spring. For any LFT-8b owner reading this and considering trying a set of Pods, I found two size "C" Pods on the front legs and one "D" on the back side of the stand to balance perfectly. As each size Pod has double the weight capacity of it’s lesser neighbor, that makes sense.

Any LFT-8b owner not wanting to use the Sound Anchor stand (I don’t know why, it’s fantastic!), Townshend also has loudspeaker Podiums and Bars which incorporate the Pods in all four corners. They are considerably more expensive than a set of Pods, but the owner of a pair of Magicos may not care ;-) . As a matter of fact, Audiogon member folkfreak has his Magicos sitting on Townshend Podiums, and love’s ’em. Alas, he is in the process of packing up and leaving Portland, so I most likely won’t again hear a pair of Magicos until my next trip down to L.A. My old pals at Brooks Berdan Ltd. are a Magico dealer. Eminent Technology, too. It was Brooks who turned me on to the ET’s. Music Reference as well.


"Good things come to those who wait". 

That's happened to me before when out of the blue I decide to check the sale ads after not looking for long periods of time and boom!, there it is. Glad you got a deal.
I just ordered some custom sized shelves for my wall mount project. According to Music Direct, this is the same company D J Casser started.
I have an original shelf that I bought from the reviewer when PF was a magazine('97). I have a Source version that'll replace the plexiglass on my Oracle transport. 
@tabl10s ,

I'd love to hear your thoughts on The Shelf. Did it replace another well regarding shelf?

It replaced the Bright Star bladder thingie’s that would always catch on one side. Music was clearer if I remember correctly. I sold it to a friend who sold it back to me.

The "Source" has been drilled to accommodate my transport directly.
I just saw this thread, and coming a bit late to the game, thought I still had some things to share/add. 

First off, "Deej" was a friend, and I've been using BDR exclusively since '92. I did quite a bit of beta testing for him in the '90's trying lot's of one offs back then, some of which I'm still using, focused on solid state gear (Forsell) for him as he was deeply into tubes then. I started with cones and "Round Things" above and under cones, usually cones down, evolving into the use of "Jumbos" just a few months before Deej died. He called me the day he sent me my fist set of Jumbos to report they were on the way, wanted me to try/use under my Forsell transport, and said "enjoy and let me know what I think"...he also announced that day cancer, likely terminal. I had the chance to speak w/ him really only once after (the Jumbos are MAGIC in concert w/ Round Things and cones). He went very quickly, sadly. A great guy by all who knew him well. All I can say is that I'm still using tons of BDR under all my gear still. I'm still purchasing too. His cousin Dan (and wife, both great people BTW) took over the business, employing the same guys using the same build techniques and are building the same great products available today. There's really nothing like this equipment to get the most out of your gear. The one thing I must add though is that placement is critical, and the deeper one goes into BDR, the more this is the case. I use a combo of 3 sets of Round Things, attached to cones, down into Jumbos under all my components (minus table, w/ more testing pending). I can say that 1/32" in placement can make a big difference in effect and being on vs. off. I have notes on my current system for placement that go back to 2001 (new home/listening room then), and these notes are my "insurance policy" against an accidental bump while dusting. 

Hope this helps others out there on the status of BDR.

Finally received my custom ordered BDR shelves for my long planned DIY wall system. Yeah!
I have these everywhere. Mine are the original rectangular version. Did you get those? Or the newer ones with the curves? https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367
Do you have Pucks or Round Things? Or will you be using them with Cones?

If you’re referring to me, take a look at my system' page.
Looks like a HUGE Source Shelf in one pic. A smaller one that looks rounded. And another normal Shelf. Plus a few Round Things with Cones. 

That's it. Just installed last week. A few quirks to work out. Gonna need  higher spring rate on the upper shelf than I currently have, (ordered). The Rock 7 is currently out of service, waiting to be rewired straight through to phono stage. 

The good thing is how much of a positive change this was/is!
Yes it is amazing stuff. All the more amazing considering its been around over 20 years and still about the best, if not the very best, you can do in terms of a shelf. 
I just snagged another set of Pits on Audiomart. The seller still has 6 Pucks and 3 Thick Pucks listed at good prices.