A challenge to the "measurement" camp

I’ve watched some of his video and I actually agree on some of what he said,
but he seems too confident on his insistence on measurement. For those
who expound on the merits of blind test and measurement, why not turn
the table upside down?

Why not do a blind test of measurement? That is I will supply all the measurement
you want, can you tell me which is a better product?

For example, if I have a set of cable, and a set of measurement for each
individual cable, can you tell me which is the best cable based on measurement
alone? I will supply all the measurement you want.
After all, that is what you’re after right? Objective result and not subjective
listening test.

Fast forward to 8:15 mark where he keeps ranting about listening test
without measurement.  

By the way, is he getting paid by Belden?  Because he keeps talking about it
and how well it measures.  I've had some BlueJean cables and they can easily
bettered by some decent cables.  
Just to remind everyone, on a consumer level current world is cableless.

Ask any 20-year-old what cables are for. She/he may not have even one in their posession and yet be entirely functional. Many, if not most, have only cable for phone charger. Some not even that.

If you truly want to advance signal transmission, figure out better quality wireless and not novelty cable.
It appears @andy2 has forfeited the challenge @djones51, that means you win the challenge by default. Well played sir!
Ok. No measurements. I never claimed to be an engineer. You didn't stipulate in the original post your offer was only to EE's. 
Is there something I’m missing
Actual engineering?  Is that good enough English for you?  Only two words that are worth more than all you know lols.

I’m assuming English is your second language so I’m being patient. Noise can leach in through poor connections, connectors, ground problems, wired wrong, the USB hub but the wires themselves just carry the noise. I am assuming you’re going to use good quality cables with sturdy connections. I also assume one cable will be cheap $15 the other expensive >$250. Supposedly you’re going to provide some measurements on these two cables. I’m not going to know which is the cheap cable and which the expensive. From these measurements I’m suppose to try and pick the expensive from the cheap. Is there something I’m missing?
In the first place I never said USB cables create noise. RF noise can leach in through connectors.
Actually you could be/might be/possibly be right about cable creating distortion. The trick is trying to explain it why? What is it in the cable that might create distortion? If cables does create distortion, then you said about cable is no more than just R/L/C circuit is wrong. So that is your contradiction.  Either you're right about distortion and wrong about R/L/C - you can't have both.

I was just testing you to see if you know but you so quickly changed your mind which to show that you do not know.

It is always interesting to note that you can go to Wikipedia and read about skin effect and thus inductance issues.... but nowhere does anyone talk about what exactly these things are. just the math. just.. how it appears to work.

nothing about what it is, at all. The whole thing is circular and redundant.

None of that is of any use in discovery work. It’s more for self appointed policemen to use when they have decided that someone must be punished for breaking a ’law’. Exceedingly dogmatic and wholly useless for these discussions.

FYI, all of these discussions in audio about cables are the data points for discovery work. And Wikipedia becomes useless in that moment -Circular and living inside it’s own butt, tossing engineering level papal bulls around like they actually mean something. Jebus. 

The longer a question has been in existence, the more fundamental the error in the formulation of the question.
In the first place I never said USB cables create noise. RF noise can leach in through connectors. Are you ever going to offer any measurements? 

That is I will supply all the measurement
you want, can you tell me which is a better product?

Should we just cut to the chase and assume @andy2 , that you have absolutely no intention, as you stated you would, to provide full measurements on any two cables requested? If that is the case, just try to be a decent and honest person and say that you have no intention of keeping your word and following through. It will save everyone a lot of posts.

If you keep up with this charade of adding more conditions, it only shows that your original challenge was dishonest and not made in good faith. An appropriate noun to describe someone who behaves this way would be a fraud.

That appears to not be happening so I’ll switch to USB cables. I want the THD+N and Jitter plots from any DAC you choose switching only the USB cable. If possible do a IMD test and Tone input/ sample rate . Use any two cables you want. You want an explanation of how I will use these before you show the measurements. The cable that shows the lowest distortion on Tone input and THD+N or SINAD and Jitter is the better cable.

If there is a difference in distortion and the only thing changed is a cable then the cable contributed to the distortion.

As you said, a cable is basically an R/L/C circuit (your words not mine)?  Passive R/L/C circuit do not create distortion - that's electrical 101.  If you going to say the distortion is created by the cable, then you have to explain why.  


"No data until you clean up your reasoning."

It is ok to ask for help. The offer still stands. Just let us know.

That is I will supply all the measurement
you want, can you tell me which is a better product?
If there is a difference in distortion and the only thing changed is a cable then the cable contributed to the distortion. 
Post removed 
If there is a way to help you, just let us know,
Yes, by not posting useless stuffs lols.
The cable that shows the lowest distortion on Tone input
So you say cable can create "distortion"?  According to you, cable is basically R/C/L.  How can passive R/C/L circuit create distortion?  Seems like you contradick yourself lols.  I know the answer but I want to see if you do lols.


I apologize for not mentioning you. You simply did not make the grade. Regardless of me agreeing with you, or not, you remained reasonably polite.
Yup, unfortunately there are people who behave like this in the real world.

andy2 OP   1,208 posts

07-09-2020 6:30pm

To the crybabies welcome to the real world lols.

I can't speak for glupson, but if a post is made respectfully, even if I totally disagree, I am going to be respectful in return.  I may make the odd exception if the post is really really silly, but will at least try to just shake my head and walk away.
I’m not sure if I should feel relieved or jealous that Robert and glupson hadn’t mentioned me in that back and forth. Things that make you go hmmm, or maybe I’m just bored in between clients, lol.
Shelter in place has not resulted in much self reflection based on this thread. The isolation appears to have divided “them or us” to an even greater extent. If the topic becomes really important, I wonder if we should even attempt to communicate?
I am no expert by a long shot but I can look at 2 different plots and see the difference. No specific cable was mentioned to compare so I just picked speaker cables since it’s easier to use something like REW to take measurements of in room speaker response. After all that’s what we hear speaker and roon interaction. If there is a significant difference it would be readily apparent.

That appears to not be happening so I’ll switch to USB cables. I want the THD+N and Jitter plots from any DAC you choose switching only the USB cable. If possible do a IMD test and Tone input/ sample rate . Use any two cables you want. You want an explanation of how I will use these before you show the measurements. The cable that shows the lowest  distortion on Tone input and THD+N or SINAD and Jitter is the better cable.
I admit I have no true knowledge of electronics and audio-related things. At least I am aware of it.
This appears to be a good time for a lesson on statistical inference. I don’t know either Glupson or andy2 personally. Based on a brief post analysis, using statistical inference, it does appear that andy2 has more knowledge of audio. Based on those same posts, I could also make the inference that Glupson is more intelligent, has better self control, is likely considerably more successful, and obviously significantly classier. One of them probably gets angry when told he has to wear a mask inside a public building. I think we know which one.
Post removed 
Maturity. That may be the word.


It is acceptable to lose ground in some argument. The best way out of it is usually to admit it with a joke or two about how silly you have been and it will fade away quickly. Just insulting people makes you appear, ahem, clueless.

For the record, cables do not make much difference. Your hearing is not that good. I apologize for bringing you the news. If you were a dog, story could have been different. Well, better luck in next drawing.

"Has he posted anything useful even especially I gave him a good lesson? The answer is NO."
Student's failure inevitably reveals poor teacher.

"I am still waiting to see how he can look at the data only and determine which is the better cable?"

How about by looking at whatever graphs she/he was asking from you?

"...but I don't think knows what he talking about."

That is the only certainly correct statement so far. You think. You only think.

A quick perusal of andy2's posts reveal an unmistakable pattern. If there is something he does not agree with and if the disagreeing poster does not "bow down", he simply insults them and of course, out comes the lols. He doesn't disprove them, he just insults them. Even when evidence is given, he won't admit his error. I appreciate what you are trying to accomplish, but I just don't think the maturity is there.
^^^You may not be arrogant but still you could be clueless.  Did you read his post?  Has he posted anything useful even especially I gave him a good lesson?  The answer is NO.  

I am still waiting to see how he can look at the data only and determine which is the better cable?  The dude just blowing hot air but I don't think knows what he talking about.

"Glupson, you're part of the three stooges."

Well, if I were you, I would be less arrogant in calling people clueless and useless.
^^^lols. Now Glupson, you’re officially clueless and useless since you can't read 

Glupson, you’re part of the three stooges.
All you have proven to me is that you are not qualified to "educate".   You have posted some graphs, but shown no evidence you understand what they mean. If anything, you have shown you don't. You certainly haven't shown maturity.

andy2 OP1,204 posts07-08-2020 11:20pm
Until now, you have offered only insults and claims that djones51 is clueless.
That is because after getting a good education from me,


"And if you keep supporting him, then eventually you’re no different than him.
Well, let me try to explain it.

"That is because after getting a good education from me, he still hasn’t posted anything useful. "

"The finger :-)

Sorry but I couldn’t resist."

If that is the kind of education you provided, your level of teaching is suitable for a drunken fight in the bar. If those are things you cannot resist, you may want to revisit kindergarten manners class.

Your explanation why djones51 is clueless bears no logic in it. She/he may really be clueless, but the way you are proving it does not make you seem like someone who is capable of conveying clues about cluelessness.
Until now, you have offered only insults and claims that djones51 is clueless.
That is because after getting a good education from me, he still hasn't posted anything useful. He keeps asking for data but has no clue how to use them.   So by definition, that is clueless.

Again that's what it takes to deal with these kinds of situation.

And if you keep supporting him, then eventually you're no different than him.    


" But sometimes, that's what it takes to deal with certain username. Decency won't work on them."
That may be true, but lowering one's standards does not elevate the person. It makes her/him less credible. Until now, you have offered only insults and claims that djones51 is clueless. Nothing remotely tangible and possibly considered as an argument.

Again, I am taking no side in this aborted technical debate, but am merely noticing pitiful presentations.
@andy2 ,

You made a challenge. It was called. You owe djones51 two frequency plots for two cables. Do you even know what one of those would look like? I have my doubts. You just skate and blame others. I will let you in on a secret. Everyone reading this thread with few exceptions sees right through you.

YOU made a challenge.
YOUR challenge was called.
YOU are making excuses.
YOU are transparent.
^^^lols let's see your skills or its just bs.  Post your methods here or it's just bs.  I'll let you in a secret - I already know.  
Post removed 
Post removed 
You offered any measurement requested. One was requested. Now you are backing out and calling other people names and making childish remarks. You are correct, the ship sailed Captain.
^^^Well the ship has sailed.  

But sometimes, that's what it takes to deal with certain username.  Decency won't work on them.

" ^^^by getting you duped. "

No, by you lowering the level of decent discussion.