8-10k budget suggestions please

Hey guys, 

been out of the game about 10 years, got a new wife, new house, and plugged in my old B&W 804's.  Connected them to a Denon receiver expecting to want to do surround sound.......But forget it!  I really want to maximize my 804's for 2 channel listening.

My room is 15ft long by 13 by 9.  not very big but I need amplification and streaming capabilites.  Will add TT later as I do have vinyl.  Room tx is on it's way so let's just assume it's already done.


Thanks for all your help!


That’s a tough room. I’d consider speakers that allow for near-field reproduction, five to seven foot max listening position to speakers. That will take much of the room out of the sound. Plenty of artificial Ficus trees, 5 - 6 feet in height and to the sides of the speakers.
The 804s MIGHT work, but a pair of Sonus Faber Olympia 3s might better fit the needs. They will provide a nice musicality and a great full-range DEEP image in fairly nearfield positioning.

@asmithkash Congrats, on the KRELL. I am assuming it is the K-300i. I have not read all of this thread, but I saw somewhere that you had a bad room.

Here is something to consider. The reason I bought the KRELL K-300i was to be a headphone amp for the RAAL SR1a earphones. Pair the KRELL with the potentially bright RAAL SR1a and you have some of the best "2-channel like" sound in your room. The room acoustics do not matter with the SR1a, unlike the B&W.

The K-300i can easily be setup for both SR1a and B&W at the same time (a flip of the switch on RAAL the adapter box). Something to consider if you like to listen late at night when the family is sleeping, like mine. Only problem is I stay up too late and do not get enough sleep.

I am bummed out that I sold the K-300i because I could use it again in my bedroom as a headphone amp (I needed the audio $$ when I sold it).


I'm on the Hegel bandwagon here. I have a H390 paired with Dynaudio Contour 30s. Roon ready, just add TT  and phono stage. 

Congrats on your purchase of the Krell.  Keep us posted as you proceed.