6922 recommendations for ARC PH7

Hi folks,

Looking to roll the tubes in my Audio Research PH7 phono pre. Looking for a recommendation for a 6299 that will extend the top end, midrange and give me a little more airiness without sacrificing the bottom end (Sorta what we are all looking for right lol) 

the  tubes I’m currently using are 4 Electro-Harmonix which sound good but they are a little laid back on the top. Very neutral sound which is a good thing, but want to try something new. My main room is not a very lively room as it is. However after testing the ARC in my living room system which is much more lively room I still am not getting the result I’m after. Dont get me wrong. Not complaining about the sound of the pre at all. I have been wanting to roll the tubes in this piece for some time now if not more than to just experiment with. Just got the itch to try something new. 

I got them from upscale audio. I trust them. I think Kevin does a good job. Bought some other tubes from him. Buying tubes is risky if you don’t get them from a reliable source. I’m sure im preaching to then choir. 
where did you source the Phillps from if i might ask ?

i have some Cryo treated Russian Rockets in my RM-4, they are indeed lovely

Nice. The PH3 is a lovely phono stage. The ph7 uses the same circuit boards and ICs as that unit which was the main upgrade from the ph6. However still not the same machine. However it produces a lovely sound and I really like it.. I only wish it had variable gain. At 57db of gain I can’t use anything less than a 5mv output cartridge. Prob could do 4mv but that’s very limiting in regards to what’s out there. Outside of that I love the unit. Also I have not done the single power rectifier tube upgrade yet. ARC is only taking warranty repairs at the moment. Well check that they are doing upgrades but there is a wait list (I’m on it). So that will also help make things sound even better. 
Hi all. Thanks for the much appreciated recommendations. I decided to try the Phillips SQ platinum pins for the first roll. I really wanted to try the telefunkens but $550.00+/tube is a little out of my price point for this experiment. I have read really good things about the Phillips SQ so I’m very interested to see the difference they will make and how I like them. I may try the Siemens also as a comparison. Since I am going to try a couple different brands I can’t afford the price of the Tele’s and buy a couple more brands as well. Hard enough getting she who must be obeyed on board with this as it is. 😂. I will report back and let you know what I think about the Phillips as they will arrive first. 
Following up with mijostyn4's great post, and only if ARC says it is OK, I recommend you take a look at https://upscaleaudio.com/collections/preamp-tubes/products/matsushita-national-pcc88-7dj8
I recently replaced 6922's in my Manley Steelhead with them and could not be happier. 
Hi Keith,
I use an ARC PH3 SE. These are the best but you will not like the price 
These are much more reasonable https://upscaleaudio.com/collections/preamp-tubes/products/electro-harmonix-6922-gold-pin?variant=29...
They are the gold pin Electro-Harmonix. I have the "Kevin's Stash" grade and they have a very clean top end and are also extremely quiet.
I may try these, https://upscaleaudio.com/collections/preamp-tubes/products/siemens-a-frame-e88cc-6922?variant=295304... Fortunately, my unit uses only three tubes. The "Kevin's Stash" grade is $160 per. I continue to argue with myself.
I really think you will be very pleased with the E-H Gold/
op for the ’improvement’ you seek i would suggest 3 old stock options

-- ecc88 or pcc88 from tungsram (hungarian production) - expensive but not crazy expensive
-- 6dj8 or ecc88 from telefunken, valvo or mazda (france) - crazy expensive

not quite as good but very close

-- ei (ram logo, yellow lettering) ecc88 from old yugo plant - still reasonable
I use the Amperex 6922, 1965 “USN”, White Label, Gold Pins for the output of my CD Player. (ModWright modded)
Quite vivid!
6n23p Voskhods Rocket logo, 1974-1979 period, earlier the better, you will not look back for other NOS, and are more economic than western alternatives. Fit and forget, simply they are not sounding like hifi and have a better musical flow, and are quiet.
Prices have gone up but they worth it, only thing to find a is a good vendor.
I've used the 6922 Phillips SQ and the premium 7308's. They have outstanding sonics; a liquid midrange, smooth extension at top, with a huge soundstage. The 7308's have deeper bass.
 I've rolled so many 6922 variants that I feel the Philips are really special. It's the same tube as the Amperex SQ. 
Also Telefunken, but they're pricey.

RAM Roger Modjeski ultra low noise tubes

tube wizard with matching over many parameters
 Very interesting article. In my description I used the phrase “laid back” I like the phrase “ to relaxed” better. So Insert that in my opening statement. 

oh nice. Might be just what the DR ordered. Thanks, and 10-4 on the noise factor. 
You may be able to get some ideas from this 6922 comparison article:      https://www.head-fi.org/threads/6922-tube-review-17-top-6922-6n23p-e88cc-cca-7308-e188cc-tubes.76107...       As you probably already know; tubes used in a high gain circuit, such as your phono stage, must be the quietest possible.      Be certain the vendor tests their wares for noise.

curently looking at the Phillips SQ. About $100/tube. Not sure I want to invest that much having not have heard them but they sound like what I’m looking for based on the reviews I have read. I mean not very easy to just go audition tubes right. So recommendations would be appreciated.