432 EVO

Thought I would start this thread to gauge interest in this network streamer. I have been following it for a little while now. Just wondered if anyone else had this on their radar. Any comments from current owners would be great.


@jerryg123 Yes indeed. We have to pick “our battles”, cannot fight in all fronts. I have a Zennith too, and that part of my audio chain is now complete, of course until it breaks down. Or I change my mind. Whichever comes first 😂. But for now, I am all good in that “front”

Guys - firstgrowth was sharing his experience: his equipment, music and feedback with us at our request. 

Thank you firstgrowth for your feedback. I PM'd audiotroy so I could get his feedback (he was an Innuos dealer but now just the 432 if I'm not mistaken).

Nothing replaces listening for yourself but getting feedback from many others saves a lot of time, which is something I never seem to have.

juanmanuelfangioii - firstgrowth wasn't boasting, he was explaining his equipment so everyone interested would get a better understanding of his experience. I appreciate it.

My system - I've been using a Meridian 861v8 with really good results (ask anyone who's listened to my system) and recently purchased an Meridian Ultra DAC but because of an impending divorce I haven't been able to configure it and set it up in my system. Honestly, because of everything that's going on, I haven't even listened to my system in about a month.

I'm looking forward to resuming some normalcy and adding a server / streamer to my system.

Anyone with Innuos Statement experience - please share (I hope I'm not hijacking this thread).

Best to everyone :-)

Innuos statement is well established globally. Can’t go wrong. @audiotroy is a peddler and has been for years. Cheap marketing. 

I'm just trying to get experience with comparisons between the 2 brands / models. It's too expensive to purchase one and then find out the other one is preferred.

I once purchased a unit on a recommendation, I wasn't happy with it and sold it at a ~ $4,000 loss. The unit was a very good performing unit but I wanted something significantly better.

So with that experience in mind, I'm just trying to get others experience to help with decide between these 2 brands and models.

“Anyone with Innuos Statement experience - please share”

Have you contacted a Innuos dealer for a demo? Any reputed dealer should have the Statement readily available for demo. 

Yes I own one and a Zenith. Yes I have a reputable dealer and I demoed both.




I think you got the gist of my message.  I participate on some other boards for hobbies I'm interested in where folks generally encourage people to share their experiences.  It promotes discussion and mostly positive feedback.  When people get snarky with their comments it does two things to the poster (at least for me).  It makes me wonder why I wasted my time sharing my impressions or it makes the poster second guess their own decisions.  

I made up my mind and put my money where my mouth is.  I really don't care at all what someone's negative opinion is about the dealer or the equipment if they haven't heard to what I did on MY system.

It might help the overall community if the comments reflect someone taking time out of their day to share something and asking questions (which many do) without the undercurrent of negativity.  Otherwise folks may just move on, keep their feelings and opinions to themselves and enjoy their equipment.

This isn't a pissing contest.  It's about enjoying a hobby.

@firstgrowth :

It might help the overall community if the comments reflect someone taking time out of their day to share something and asking questions (which many do) without the undercurrent of negativity.  Otherwise folks may just move on, keep their feelings and opinions to themselves and enjoy their equipment.

You are absolutely right. Spot on. I personally appreciate people doing what you did. Thank you

Something the former dealer for Innuos and the rest of us to consider regarding Innuos gear. Since the former dealer dropped the Innuos line, Innuos has developed their own software program. The program is called SENSE. The current version of SENSE sounds worlds better than Roon on Innuos gear. On my system the improvement is at least 25-30% better. The only way to truly compare Innuos to any other server is to listen to the Innuos gear with Sense, not Roon.


Since the introduction of SENSE sometime ago Innuos has continually improved the sound quality of SENSE. When I go back to ROON and listen, I find I simply cannot enjoy my music. Roon sounds flat, lifeless and bloated compared to SENSE.


I own the Zenith MK3.  


I agree with you. We are here to share our experiences. My post to @tjassoc above was in direct response to his post where he has reported loosing considerable amount of money over a gear that quite didn’t pan out to his expectations. A blanket statement like “Innuos Statement is well established globally” doesn’t quite inspire my confidence in dropping top dollars for a streamer/server. Every individual is unique and so is our systems. That’s why I encouraged @tjassoc to seek out an in-home audition.

Thanks for posting your experience with EVO, enjoy!

It is also well reviewed and you can find a dealer as I stated and do an in home audition. 

Sorry you did not understand that.


@grannyring you are 100% correct and I am a lifetime Roon adapter. Have not even opened it after moving to the Innuos Statement and Zenith in my 2 systems. Night and day.

Something the former dealer for Innuos and the rest of us to consider regarding Innuos gear. Since the former dealer dropped the Innuos line, Innuos has developed their own software program. The program is called SENSE. The current version of SENSE sounds worlds better than Roon on Innuos gear. On my system the improvement is at least 25-30% better. The only way to truly compare Innuos to any other server is to listen to the Innuos gear with Sense, not Roon.


Since the introduction of SENSE sometime ago Innuos has continually improved the sound quality of SENSE. When I go back to ROON and listen, I find I simply cannot enjoy my music. Roon sounds flat, lifeless and bloated compared to SENSE.




Thanks for sharing your experiences and providing that benefit for everyone.

Being adverse, hostile or nasty accomplishes nothing constructive.

I certainly appreciate your feedback and hope no one ever second guess themselves.

I'm hoping to get feedback from anyone who has listened to both the Innuos Statement / Zen Mk III and an 432 Evo in almost any configuration, especially the Aeron. 

This purchase will occur after I move and set up my system, so I may visit Audiotroy to hear the 432. Then I can have that experience to compare an Innuos Statement to.

Thank you for all the contributions


100% agree Sense is worlds better than Roon on a Statement and keeps sounding better with improvements.

And there is no fee.  Lifetime subscription included.



Without trying to hijack this thread, does anyone have experience with Ethernet switches?

They better ones are quite expensive and there's offerings from multiple companies - Innuos, Synergistic Research, Ansuz and other brands that are less expensive (from the very little research I've done).

Anyone have experience with Ethernet switches? Do they make a significant improvement?

Thanks to anyone for sharing.

I had the opportunity to stop by Dave Lalin's house (of Audio Intellect Company) to listen to the 432 Evo Aeon this past Friday. 

Dave was a gentleman, he welcomed me into his home and was a very nice host. He showed me 3 rooms filled with LOTS of different equipment. There has so much equipment, by the time we got into the 3rd room, I asked if he was married / had a wife and the way he responded yes - as if to say yes and my wife is exceptional but I know I'm crazy with all this equipment - made me laugh quite a bit.

We listened and discussed many topics. The 432 EVO Aeon is very nice, and while it was in a system different from my own -  it had very good performance qualities that were easy to identify and I'm certainly interested. The fact that they were also feeding a T&A amplifier, which I never heard before and now have a lot of respect for, maintained a very high performance standard. This was different to what I had read about the T&A amplifiers. Just a note - I'm very critical of equipment at this level. I intend to listen to the 432 EVO Master, which is the next step up and top of the line EVO unit.

What I really liked about Dave is he responds honestly and directly. It's very easy to see because there's no hesitation, he's very articulate and he's right to the point. Kind of the exact opposite of today's political talk. "He said it like it is" - and that was independent of discussing brands I own(ed) - which is something I respect because I've worked with audiophile salesman in the past who politely circumvented answering directly my question(s) about equipment I own(ed) - it undermined confidence and was disappointing at that time.

While I haven't been active in this industry for quite some time, I was able to share and exchange a few experiences which we agreed on (live music being used as a performance reference, cables make a significant difference, etc.) - things that I find fundamental as an audiophile. 

Dave has a wealth of experience and information and he was patient with my MANY questions on different products and brands that I haven't had the chance to hear and wanted to gain insight about from his experience (Magico, YG, Rockport, Tekton, Martin Login Monolith, VAC, Gryphon, Legacy, etc.). He recommend the Rocky Capital Audio Fest as a good audio show - which I now plan to attend.

For the record - I had no prior relationship with Dave, I conversed online with him here on this Audiogon website a few times about server / streamers and this was the first time I met him. I have met few people who are matter of fact like Dave. Me being a licensed professional chemical engineer - I appreciate this matter of fact, direct communication - it works perfectly with me.

Negatives: Yes

1 - the visit was too short. I could have spent the weekend with this man and only gotten a fraction of his experience. This because he shares his experience freely and articulates things very well.

2 - I got in a fender bender on the way home. Jersey City is an urban area immediately across the river from Manhattan (beautiful skyline!!!!), best to drive fully alert and very defensively and anticipate people driving very aggressively.

Dave - I thank you on this public form. 

Please let me know when you get a 432 EVO Master to hear as I'd like to stop by again to hear and compare it with the AEON.


We are pleased to announce the 432evo aeon has been included in the absolute sounds latest buying guide:


new new review Stereotimes:https://v2.stereotimes.com/post/432evo-aeon-music-server-by-greg-voth/

The Wrap

It’s nice to know that my finely-honed music organization skills can be easily replaced by Aeon’s automation and great sound. Buy the 432EVO Aeon for the awesome sound it delivers, period!

thank you,



Dave and Troy Audio Intellect NJ

US importer 432evo Music servers

Post removed 

thyname totally incorrect, in fact we compared our $7800Aeon to a 25k Innous Statement with upgraded power supply after Axponna at a chicago dealers showroom

all listeners concluded th aeon sounded just as good as the Statement

now consider our Master sounds even better yet still costs considerably less then the Statement with their best psu.

also consider that our products are modular and upgradable:

this means you can start with an aeon and upgrade to a Master later.

This also means our products can evolve so if a better sound card or Clock card comes out we can easily upgrade our server.

also our Master actually contains 3 seperate torodial transformers which is far superior to  Innouss single transformer.

Dave and Troy

Audiointelect  NJ

US importer 432EVo  music servers

@audiotroy - upgradability is good to know


After the TAS and other reviews, the 432EVO Aeon’s quality seems worth its price and has the possibility to sound uniquely subjectively better.  I may have stopped upgrading with my Zenith Mk3, but am bummed that with Roon sonics decrease.  Then I got the sonic bargain Linn DSM/2 with Organik DAC streamer/DAC, but still needed a Roon Core somewhere.  So, if I got a 2.5k Roon Nucleus Plus plus the option to upgrade the server later, is it better than just paying for the 432EVO now for a 5k increase? This kind of thinking is hard on my wallet.