My kids (22 and 24) both have systems that I put together for them, and they both use them regularly. My son spins vinyl more often than my daughter, but every time I visit either they have music playing pretty much the whole time. Neither one is into sports (viewing) of any kind. My daughter plays piano and my son plays the guitar and bass. None of their friends have any kind of audio gear to speak of, other than apple earbuds, with one exception. I remember coming home from work about ten years ago and my son was holding court with three of his friends, listening to Death Grips on my system. They were playing at a volume level about 60-65db. I walked over to the preamp and turned it up to room-shaking levels. The grins on their faces made me so happy I still get choked up about it. Two weeks later one of the friends was at the house and let me know he bought a pair of speakers at a garage sale (A pair of big old JBL something or others) and was using his dad's old receiver to power them. He was saving up at the time to get a turntable and we talked for a while about how to acquire records without spending all of his hard earned haying money (we live in farm country).
But oy vey the constant D v A argument. I've said it before, black licorice is the best candy, and ketchup on hotdogs is delicious. If you like something, just enjoy it, there's no reason to try to convince someone else that your favorite HAS TO BE their favorite, or even something they like, just as there's no reason to denigrate someone else's preference.