Responses from audioag90
«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!» Where is the audio gear being sold. I love a good deal! | |
Drinking Songs playlest... What am I missing? +1 Jerry Jeff Walker - Up Against the Wall Red Neck Mother | |
Drinking Songs playlest... What am I missing? +1 @theCarpathian but to be specific: Garth Brooks - Friends in Low Places and the best drinking song: David Allen Coe - You Never Even Call Me By My Name | |
Step down transformer for a turntable Again, thanks to all who responded. Exactly what I needed to know. | |
Step down transformer for a turntable @lewm thank you for that clarification. | |
Step down transformer for a turntable Thank you everyone for your responses. I am a little confused by the recommendation to “oversize” by “2x”. What are you referring to? Thanks again. P.S. I knew you guys would know. |