«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!»

Interesting video of Jay's audio lab reflections about the audiophile world:



No reason for dramatic whistleblowing. Bigger part of audiophiles are just not public. They don’t participate in any forums and community discussions and just peacefully enjoying their hobby. I personally know a couple such audiophiles. One of them is high level physicist with bunch of patents, who built his system based on his scientific knowledge and principles and doesn’t care about any trends or opinions, just enjoying great music in best available quality for him. 

I look at the nice equipment but don’t agree with 1/2 his decisions 

synergy is far more important then the amount of $$ monies spent.

i  have 40 years + in Audio as a Audiophile ,owned a Audio store for a decade 

as well as many years in sales I would never sell a product I didnot believe in in for its quality and value , let your ears be the judge  , not the $$ money !!

Worrying about things beyond my control is fruitless.  Bitching, moaning, and finger pointing in the hope that “someone else” will fix is also mostly fruitless. I try to avoid such things especially dwelling on negative items.  

I have not yet read the posts, nor any of the responses to it. I cannot help but laugh my ass off at the title of the post.  


High quality audio should always be in demand. 

Will always be to me anyway….