3 Albums To Be Stranded With On A Desert Island

If you were limited to only 3 albums to listen to for a very long, long time ... like if you were stranded on a desert island with a solar powered or hand crank music player .... what would they be?  Only 3 selections please!

My 3 would be the following:
Keith Jarrett Trio - The Cure
Weather Report - 8:30
Steely Dan - A Decade of Steely Dan

What would yours be?

Ag insider logo xs@2xjazzman7
I would pick 3 double albums. That way I would have twice as much music to listen to.
Joni Mitchell-Hejira
Rodrigo y  Gabriela-early stuff
Alison Krauss-Paper Airplane
Still, I'd like to trade it in for something else after a few years...

Hot Rats - FZ
Made In Japan - DP
The Doors - The Doors

(Trout Mask Replica - CB,  but it doesn't make the cut.)
Alice In Chains "MTV Unplugged"
Tragically Hip "Up To Here"
JJ Johnson "Concepts In Blue"
