2022 - Ideal Network Transport

I enjoy Roon exclusively and run the Roon Nucleus through a BlueSound Node 2i, (wonderful value) to my HoloSound May DAC, D'Agostino Progression Integrated amp to my Wilson Audio Sasha DAW's.. After reading quite a bit about higher grade dedicated network transports I'm confused if there's truly a difference out there or is this in the ears of the beholder. If there is such an animal out there what is it (brand & model). Note, I'm not looking for razor sharp audiophile accuracy, instead I prefer to feel a smooth, warm lush soundstage. I primarily listen to Jazz these days but also enjoy 70's-90's Rock. Minimal classical.



With the type of resolving gear that your have, Wison speakers powered by D’Agostino amplification, feeding HolosSound Dac, it is my opinion that you will hear the difference as you step up the ability of your network player.

I agree that the Bluesound kit is great value for the money. I too am running Roon via a Roon Nucleus, and own various pieces of Bluesound kit including a Node 2i. I had been using my Node 2i in my main rig feeding a Chord Qutest. After acquiring the Roon Nucleus in 2019, it replaced my Node 2i as my principal streaming source, feeding the Qutest directly via USB (Curious USB Cable) with the Nucleus being powered by an Sbooster 19v Linear Power Supply. I felt this was a step up from the Node 2i (not a giant step up, but a step up nonetheless). A few weeks ago I acquired a Bricasti M5, and this is a giant step up (lower noise floor, more air, improved soundstage, etc...) feeding the Qutest via digital coax.


What do you find confusing exactly? Is it that a $500 streamer sounds like listening to Tidal or Qobuz through a tin cup or that $20k+ streamers are audiofoolery?

You said that you'd read up on them all.

Jazzman7 thank you. Interesting you mention the Bricasti M5 as that was one my reading pointed my to somewhat. Curious if the M5 is enough or does linear power supply for the Nucleus justify it's expense for the "step up"? Thanks again. 

@gibsonluva I'm using a Roon Nucleus and then added a Teddy Pardo ps and heard a nice improvement, not earthshaking but worth the $500. A friend went from a Node to M5 and the improvement was WOW. Just my own experience.


Hard to answer that question. A brand new Sbooster 19v LPS or it's like goes for around $400.  A brand new Curious USB Cable or similar goes for around $350. I already had the Curious USB Cable on hand; had been using it with my Melco N1A.  The M5 had long been on my wish list; I traded in some "shelfware" I had on hand and was able to procure a preowned one at a great price. If both options were on the table at the same time ... I'd go straight for the M5 (and even more so if I didn't already have a quality USB cable on hand). And I'm not saying that the M5 is the only option out there ... just the one that I had personally targeted.

I have what I think is a pretty decent system (curious? see my profile). I decided to explore the streaming world in 2021 and bought a new node, which I am highly impressed by. It is far from perfect, but for a budget piece of equipment it makes the right concessions and never sounds worse than very good. Once the USB output became live I was able to take advantage of that and that too was nice.

In 2022 I decided that streaming for me was not a passing fad so I moved my Node to a bedroom system (where it performs magnificently!) and picked up an Auralic Aries G1. The difference between the G1 and the Node is .musically important, with the G1 being the better unit. Soundstage takes a major leap forward and the G1 is able to pull off a very neat trick- it has the ability to sound both detailed and warm at the same time. In the past I have found that is a trick usually reserved for the very best gear. 

On a 100 point scale, the Node, using a good external DAC, can hit  85. The G1 hits 93. (my benchmark for the best streamer I've heard is a Naim 555 with an external power supply).