2022 - Ideal Network Transport

I enjoy Roon exclusively and run the Roon Nucleus through a BlueSound Node 2i, (wonderful value) to my HoloSound May DAC, D'Agostino Progression Integrated amp to my Wilson Audio Sasha DAW's.. After reading quite a bit about higher grade dedicated network transports I'm confused if there's truly a difference out there or is this in the ears of the beholder. If there is such an animal out there what is it (brand & model). Note, I'm not looking for razor sharp audiophile accuracy, instead I prefer to feel a smooth, warm lush soundstage. I primarily listen to Jazz these days but also enjoy 70's-90's Rock. Minimal classical.


Showing 1 response by lordmelton

What do you find confusing exactly? Is it that a $500 streamer sounds like listening to Tidal or Qobuz through a tin cup or that $20k+ streamers are audiofoolery?

You said that you'd read up on them all.