
Responses from zd542

Who mods class D/digital amps?
Try reducing the analog input sensitivity and see if that helps. Also, are you sure the IC's you have are balanced? If you can't tell, list them. This problem doesn't sound like the type of thing you can fix with a mod. 
How to tell the quality of a digital amp.
You couldn't have broken that down any better. 
NOS DAC's without any digital filtering?
If you're not talking about me, it must be EBM. It took me a long time to figure him out, but he's usually just kidding. But I know what you mean, its hard to tell. In hid defense, he'll immediately apologize if you are offended by anything he says. 
Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?
Maybe if you gave some more info, we may be able to recommend some speakers to consider. 
Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?
For the most part, I think powered speakers are over rated and over priced. I know most people will argue me on that, but if you look at it from a common sense point of view, do you think that whoever builds the amp for your speaker will make one ... 
NOS DAC's without any digital filtering?
"09-22-15: Roxy54Chill Zd, it's just his opinion."Normally I would agree, but the last thing he wants to do is help anyone. He makes ridiculous claims that he can't back up and pushes them off as facts, and when you question him, he doesn't give a... 
Is my DAC the Marantz or the Oppo?
In both cases you use the dac in the Marantz. One thing that you'll definitely want to try, is to run a pair of IC's from the analog output on the Oppo to an analog input on your preamp. That will allow you to head the Oppo's dac, and not the Mara... 
Audiophile Club In South East Florida.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to ask some of the local stores if they know of any. Audio Center, Hollywood Sound and Wellington Audio would be the ones I would try first. 
Want to trade McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe for DNA 0.5
Why trade an amp you already have for a lesser one from the same company. Doesn't really make sense. 
Your Help with Media Player
How do you access your music with the Oppo? From the face, or do you need a monitor? 
How to tell the quality of a digital amp.
"I will most likely have to look in the pro audio market."A Behringer DEQ 24/96 will probably work for you. They sell for around $300. If you live near a Guitar Center, buy one from them. They have a very good return policy if you don't like it fo... 
Is it possible to down-mix stereo outs to mono amp
"Yes, there is a hook up question. Just because the signal is converted from stereo to mono "at the source", how would the OP get that from his DAC to the Grundig? You never addressed that in your original comment.Mofimadness (Threads | Answers | ... 
Your Help with Media Player
You can use a tablet. My Samsung has a usb port on it that you can plug an external HD into. You may need to buy an adapter, but its not expensive. If you want to see exactly how its done, there's several videos on youtube. 
Is it possible to down-mix stereo outs to mono amp
"09-22-15: MofimadnessAl...ZD's suggestion doesn't address the OP's hook up question. It is software based, BUT, if the source in question can be switched to mono, then would a "Y" adapter work?"If the OP uses software to convert stereo to mono, t... 
Croft, NFD or Lavardin for Harbeth M40.1
"I am uncertain what your angle is given we have no idea what ancillary equipment is being used."That's exactly why I didn't recommend anything. OP states he's getting better sound with a cheap integrated, than with his expensive tube gear. Given ...