
Responses from zd542

Best loudspeaker with coincident/coaxial driver
"09-30-15: MapmanThe only thing alone that has a good chance of assuring anything is a large number of very happy users."That's exactly what my aunt says when she takes these little blue pills she's always popping. Her dog likes them too. 
Bookshelf Speakers for In-Wall Book Shelf
Its not a clean sounding amp. If you have a soft or low detail speaker, then it sounds OK. The B&W's I had were like this. It was one of the few models that doesn't have a metal tweeter. If you put the amp on a speaker that has good detail, it... 
Gold or Rhodium
Has anyone ever considered how much of an effect an intermediate layer of plating has on the overall SQ? What I mean by that, is you can't always plate directly over some metals. For example, lets say you want to plate a piece of copper with silve... 
Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?
"09-30-15: Rogerstillmanzd542, I agree that change for the sake of change alone is not good, but wouldn't you rather have a system that you could grow into as your needs, taste, and budget change? I'm just proposing an alternate path to building a... 
Bookshelf Speakers for In-Wall Book Shelf
"09-30-15: TgrishamI love my Dynaudios VR-1s sitting in the bookshelves driven by a Creek 5350SE."The Creek is in a completely different league than the Naim. I had both of them. 
Bookshelf Speakers for In-Wall Book Shelf
I had the 5si. It was a bad match with Vandersteen. The best sound I was able to get, was with a pair of B&W LM-1's. You would probably have to get them used because I don't think they are still made. The Naim N-Sat was an OK match, but I don'... 
Merrill VERITAS Red fuse upgrade
I find audiophile fuses amusing in that, when they blow, people get mad and think they bought a defective fuse. But when a regular fuse blows, they look elsewhere for the problem. 
Input impedance issue?
"I'm not sure if the Musical Fidelity buffer (the X-10v3 I believe) is still being made, but if you can find one it would be a good solution. Also, another member here who had a similar issue has reported an excellent experience having a tube buff... 
Input impedance issue?
Your PrimaLuna has 4 and 8 ohm taps for your speaker cables. Try them both and see if it makes a difference. 
Who has some history with the Bryston phono stage?
Just because there are no reviews on a component doesn't mean anything's wrong with it. Either way, I would never buy a phono stage without listening to it, and knowing what cart I would using. I'm sure the Bryston is good, but they've never reall... 
Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?
" if a speaker builder went that route and allowed the home consumer to choose a line sub, a line mid and a line tweet - instead of putting it all in one box, it would provide for upgradeability in the future and unlimited configurations. "Upgrade... 
TT cables, Need help
I recommend them because I use the same cables myself, in the same application. My VPI has the same type of RCA block as the OP's TT. I have many other cables, but I like the AQ's best. The only difference, is that depending on the phono pre, I so... 
New Tekton Pendragons On The Way
"And I'll admit I'm crazy for 3d sound. Maybe it comes from the 80s when I owned the Bose 901s:)"You should have kept the B word to yourself. If the moderators catch you pulling a stunt like that, you'll be ex-communicated for life. 
New Tekton Pendragons On The Way
How do you know its the speaker that won't give much image depth and not another component? I'm not saying that you're wrong, I've just had components that would do the same thing. Any time I put it in the system, it went from 3d to 2d. And it did... 
TT cables, Need help
Audioquest Jaguar. The shielding is exceptional, and the DBS system makes break in take a lot less time than the average cable. It also keeps the cable broken in for longer periods of time in between uses. SQ is extremely good for the price. I hav...