
Responses from zd542

Define power hungry...B&W speakers
"How much minimum power is necessary, damping factor, etc. What specs are important to me?"No 2 companies measure their amps exactly the same way. You can have 2 amps rated at 100 watts/ch into 8 ohms and there can be a huge difference between how... 
Would vinyl even be invented today?
"Records, cartridges and tonearms seem like such an unlikely method to play music--a bit of Rube Goldberg. Would anyone even dream of this today?"Is taking an analog signal, converting it into a bunch of 1's and 0's that can only exist in cyperspa... 
After Cary 306 SACD Pro - which one?
You need to have a goal. The 306 is a very good player. You really need to consider what you like about your current CD player, and then come up with improvements that you need to have. When you have a component that's as good as your Cary, its mu... 
Test CD
"12-14-14: Will62Would it make sense to buy more than one of these CD's to burn in a new pair of speakers? Will one Test CD offer some advantages over the other with the kind of noise or music it contains?"No. Break in is break in. It doesn't matt... 
Do I need a subwoofer? Which brand and model?
This is the problem with having no experience, along with the commitment to not get any because you think you're a scientist. All you do is list other people's opinions on stuff and select only the factual info that you think is important, while n... 
Test CD
"Also, is a burn in CD required? In the past I've used Classical CD's in my collection that have a wide range of frequencies to burn in a new pair of speakers. Wondering if a dedicated CD would be better?"Music is fine to break in speakers, but if... 
DIY Power Cable Report
When cable manufacturers charge for their products, everyone screams bloody murder. They say you can just go out and buy all the raw materials for a few dollars; a small fraction of what the cables usually retail for. Who would have guessed that t... 
Center for B&W DM603 purchased in 1997
Before you do anything, I would make sure that your current receiver is set to stereo and not surround. If you listening to it in surround mode, you won't be hearing a good portion of what's on the movie because your processor is sending some of t... 
DAC Being Impacted By Home Power Issue - Help
I can think of 2 things that may help. The first is to get a long extension cord and try powering your system from different outlets. At the very least, it can be a temporary fix. The other, is to give The Cable Company a call. Not only will they ... 
PC audio newbie looking for advice
"A turntable has to convert analog data into digital data to burn it onto CD."No it doesn't, but something in the chain has to. A stand alone CD burner has its own analog to digital converter. Since its integrated as part of the burner, you really... 
Onkyo receiver volume problem?
Sounds like you either ran out of gain or have some type of limiter in place like Stringreen says. 
Upgrade from Harbeth Compact 7
"12-08-14: Murphythecatpeople are funny. as if you need to spend more to get more.audiophile world is insane.get a amphion one18 and laugh at harbeth owners and the colored sound."Yes, but people need to by people speakers. We don't hear the same ... 
Best 2.0 powered computer speakers?
"12-07-14: BranislavHow about Rokit? Anybody heard them?"That's KRK. The build quality is good but they seem to be geared towards music like Hip Hop. The sound is very bass and treble heavy. For other types of music, maybe try a different brand. I... 
sub setup question
Why not just try it both ways and pick the one that sounds best? 
Recommendations on Christmas Music??
"With all due respect to those who choose not to celebrate Christmas (for whatever reason); for those who do, what recommendations do you have for this Christmas Season??" I don't get that. Why "all due respect to those who choose not to celebrate...