
Responses from zaikesman

How to pick which brand of 6550 tubes to purchase
Unless you don't play your amps very often, after close to 20 years of use on your old tubes, any of the better quality, compatible new production tubes out there will likely sound like a revelation compared to what you're hearing now (especially ... 
If you were to carry a tube product line?
I'd look into something that is under-represented within your geographical market. In addition to a few of those mentioned, what about some other well-established, solid-value lines that are also a bit tougher to find, like Quicksilver and Music R... 
Benz Micro Ruby 2 Impedance Adjustment
If you are able to easily enough adjust the loading on your phonostage, I would be all means do some experimentation of your own over the entire range provided. There are several threads in the Audiogon archive dealing with this question if you se... 
Upgrade for brittle CD transports?
When I was looking for a used Theta transport a couple of years ago, Ed Deitemeyer (sp?...then with Theta customer service, now I believe at C-J) recommended I go for a Pearl over a Data, mostly because the Philips mechanism had been discontinued ... 
Must See Movie About Music
Sounds interesting Onhwy61, but the link you provided didn't work for me: It returned me to an Audiogon page for posting a new question under the Music catagory - probably the same page you used to compose this thread. Is this film a new or old re... 
Criminy, I've reached 300 threads
Passed 700 a while ago, 300 just a speck in the rearview (but I've slowed up the pace lately)... 
Audiolab 8000T faceplate bulbs
Seeing this thread pop back up again, I can now happily report that the mysterious trouble in opening my 8000T's casework has been solved: for some reason, the stamped steel cover on my example was epoxy-bonded to the top of the aluminum faceplate... 
Help with cartridge loading. . .
Doug, I believe the loading resistance value vs. damping question works in reverse fashion to the way you seem to have described it, i.e., the lower the terminating resistance presented to a MC cart, the more damped it's resonance becomes. 
VTL Service ??
Phillyleggs, I actually went to VTL's factory in CA this summer and met Bea Lam. She is really a very nice person who loves music, and was extremely accomodating and helpful to me in person, but their philosophy does seem to be to play everything ... 
Help with cartridge loading. . .
I think Doug that your question might be more related than you give yourself credit for, simply because (I suspect) Ortofon would normally intend that their LO MC be used with their own step-up tranny (not a necessity with the Pass phonostage). I ... 
Review: Vestax Handy Trax Turntable
Tom - He's working on it, but so far the fluid keeps leaking out all over the interior when the 'table is packed up and carried by the handle. However, I have every faith he'll figure out a solution eventually... ;^) 
Review: Vestax Handy Trax Turntable
Addendum:For some reason, when posting a review you're asked to list any specifications of the product that you know, but then they mysteriously don't appear in the finished review. What's up with that? Anyway, if they had, you would also know tha... 
Johnny Cash - Rest in Peace
I don't think I've ever read a quote of Dylan's quite so plain-spoken, so 'out of persona'. Of course it's entirely appropos - he's also simply a fan, just like any of us. Chris, where did this originate? 
Rediscovering the Joy of Digital?
Eldee, not only does avoiding tape circumvent the serial-duplication problem, it by the same token permits random-access cueing upon playback, an even more important consideration for me as a consumer. 
Rediscovering the Joy of Digital?
Plato and Eldartford are both correct, but I'll add:Of course I don't think that any analog tape medium will be making a comeback in the consumer marketplace, but the serial-transfer problem didn't prevent the industry from embracing the cassette ...