Responses from zaikesman
Is heavy vinyl worth it? Like I said before, I doubt that any improvements audible with heavy pressings are actually attributable to the vinyl weight itself, which I regard as mostly a marketing hook.However, I'm inclined agree (from limited experience) with those implyin... | |
Question for recording artist/engineers Flex you da man baby :-) | |
Question for recording artist/engineers Thanks for taking a stab Flex, but the reply only reiterates the question...anybody else have an insight? | |
Question for recording artist/engineers Thanks for the tutorial (I wasn't necessarily being literal about the 'throwing away' part). What I'm still curious about is this: How did we end up with two standards so close together as 44.1KHz and 48KHz? I understand the reason for picking a f... | |
Question for recording artist/engineers Flex - I don't know the answer to this myself, but if there were no advantage to using the simplest possible algorithm (i.e., "throw out every every other sample") as opposed to something more complex, than why do you suppose we have inherited sta... | |
When do records damage a stylus Y'know, every time I think I'm gonna save up for some test gear so I can get intimate with my system's rise time, I blow my money on records and wind up listening to music instead...Besides, the 'rise time' I find matters most is the amount of *ti... | |
When do records damage a stylus Sean - Oh, I've blown tweeters before, but always because I was trying to rock out too much using an underpowered SS amp, or because I screwed around with an upstream connection while the amp was on and the preamp unmuted. But you'll be the first ... | |
When do records damage a stylus I am curious by what mechanism Timo supposes that a later pressing might 'damage' a needle more than an earlier one - I cannot see this factor making any difference at all.I also wonder what Sean has in mind when he says that ticks/pops are 'bad' ... | |
I've got a basic, directional decision to make. If it were me, and I was assembling the one-source system it sounds like you are contemplating, I would set aside the $200-$300 or so that is all it takes these days to get into one of the latest mass-market-maker multi-format digital players bran... | |
"simian" rock/pop songs?-a survey Can't forget the immortal - the man and the song - Dave Bartholomew's "The Monkey" ("...the monkey speaks his mind..."). New Orleans rhythm & blues legend and Fats Domino's bandleader and co-songwriter, some of you may remember this song from ... | |
"simian" rock/pop songs?-a survey I have an obscure 60's frat-rock 45 entitled "The Orangutan Roll" by the very optimistically named Danny & The Hitmakers that I'm sure wouldn't appear in Ben's search... :-)Twl, don't forget that Kinks song's primate bookend "King Kong"... :-) | |
Pass Labs vs. Levinson Pre's I own the Levinson 380S, the second SS preamp I've tried during my quest to see if I can be happy eliminating small-signal tube headaches from my life. The I/O, switching, and control facilities are superior to most of the breed. The careful desig... | |
Gordon Lightfoot Tribute Didn't know Canada's 'poet laureate' was ill. I really only dig his early output on the UA label during the 60's, and I don't 'do' tribute albums regardless, but I do wish him well, and thank Nate for the thread. | |
Upsampling put to "THE TEST": R U ready 2 take it? Bombaywalla: I can't pretend to possess the technical expertise to comment authoritatively on your post (though I'm not at all sure you are on the right track when you opine that "very few of these [upsampling] implementations are actually liked b... | |
Upsampling put to "THE TEST": R U ready 2 take it? Hello again. It has been over a year since I originally posted this article, and in it's time it received over 900 views, the most of any thread I've started on Audiogon. To my mild surprise, I have yet to discover any other accounts about anyone ... |