
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

Have you upgraded from a Freya?
BTW - I had the LS50 with the CODA #8 and it was very good in my small office. However, the LS50 Meta is much better to my ears. Most people are saying it was only a minor improvement. In my system I thought it was a big improvement. I did not wan... 
Have you upgraded from a Freya?
@zlone Glad you liked the LA4. The Serene is a touch warmer and maybe preferred by some, such as this guy who compares the Serene to the HPA4 (same as LA4). Review Holo Audio Serene Level 1 preamplifier - Tastefully Serene - Alpha Audio (alpha-au... 
Looking for intermediate-step Streamer: better than BS Node and not @ Bartok level pricing
I have the latest Schitt Yggi+ Less is More DAC. I used to have a Lumin X1, which has a great streamer, and a very good DAC. I found the latest Schitt Yggi+ LM better on top end than the X1 DAC with everything else about the same. The top end had ... 
CODA amp No.8, Bryston 4B3, or Ayre VX-5 Twenty
@henrynguyentx I had the CODA #8 v1 with the hard to drive Thiel CS3.7 speakers and the V1 was more than up to the task. It also has more Class A vs V2 and V3. If you want the CODA #8 V2 or V3 you can may also want to consider the Sanders Magtech... 
Why Streaming Service Sounds ‘Flat’ vs Tune In /Local FM /Radio Paradise
Streaming of FM stations to me sounds awful, every station I have heard. I listen to KCRW.com on the FM airways and the DJ’s are into sound quality. They will bring in LPs because they say it sounds better. This station on my 3 tuners blows away... 
any current integrated amps in market have great dacs?
@tunefuldude I am doing this tonight after having my modded PeachTree GAN1 on the sidelines for a few months. I was short 1 streamer to get that going. The "DACless" design is incredible but I can see established players being reluctant to make th... 
Help settle a streaming argument!
I have had 4 streamers and 3 of them are as it gets. - Sonore microRendu -Sonore OptcalRendu using fibre - Lumin X1 using fibre and testing the streamer section only - PlayBack Designs Streamer-IF (using SPDIF for now, once I get a PDB Dream D... 
Yes, another audiophile at a crossroads story and request for advice
@ezstreams I have been working too full-time jobs in 2023 and I am working very late hours while the family sleeps. The SR1a and CA1a are life savers for me and have made me money. I cannot imagine working so much without the RAALs. The SR1a can ... 
The D.BOB ($700) will take a DSD stream from a SACD player via HDMI and send the signal to an external DAC. I have a used $200 Oppo player as a transport and it sounds great via the D.BOB. I am coming from one of the best SACD players ever made, t... 
Yes, another audiophile at a crossroads story and request for advice
@ezstreams My RAAL SR1b earphone is essentially 2 speakers hanging from my ears. I hate headphone sound and the SR1b is not like headphones and very similar to 2-channel. The best headphone amp for the SR1b is the VM-1a and it cost $7k, I sold t... 
Low cost subwoofer upgrade
A speedy sub is the KEF KC62. I use it with the fast Magnepan LSR+ speaker.  
New Speaker advice
I owned Revel Salon1 ($20k) long ago and loved it. However, the sound I am getting in a small room with the $999 Magnepan LRS+ and KEF KC62 sub is better to my ears (LRS+ needs a lot of power). The Revels were in a perfect room and the LRS+ needs ... 
How to use headphones with separates
This is how I listen to my RAAL SR1a and CA-1a. I used to use a RAAL VM-1a dedicated RAAL tube amp for this and it is the best for these phones. However, I needed the cash so I sold that amp and got the following cheaper gear, Schitt Aegir amp | ... 
Benchmark or McIntosh....
I am not a fan of MAC and love the AHB2, however, with the NHT, if it is like the NHT 2.9 I owned decades ago, I would take the MAC. The 3 GAN amps I have owned were not better than the AHB2. Though they were not the AGD or atmas-sphere The AHB... 
looking for an integrated amp in the $1500 range
I found that low level listening was best done with super quiet gear. I had a lot of success with Benchmark AHB2 and LA4 preamp for that type of listening. Music details at low volume are not obscured by noisy gear. Now if you want to skip the lo...