
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
A couple of things mentioned to me by the sound engineer at GIK Acoustics. The removal of the closet doors in my room has made a nasty bass trap. He always recommend closing such spaces but, I of course, cannot. The simple fact of opening up my ro... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@djfst158 You read my mind about the intermedia sized model I am looking at it that way too. Once the room treatments are in place I will listen to my LS50's for a while and then try a few bigger speakers. 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@tatyana6986 With regard to the Blades. It is "different strokes for different folks". In my opinion the Blades are my all-time favorite speaker. The things I like in reproduced sound are evident in the Blades. Holographic image, large soundstage,... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@crosstrek I conversed with someone on A'Gon who had the KEF R1 and the Lyngdorf in a room around my size and he was raving about the quality of sound he had.I wanted to try to correct my room outside of DSP before I try DSP. Along that vein, I ju... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@tomic601 Fantastic info. Thank you. I submitted my info to GIK Acoustics and will listen to their feedback and suggestions. They look like a good choice for the residential customer.The curtain company looks interesting and will research them aft... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
I emailed a local dealer who carries Harbeth SHL5+, TAD Me1, and KEF. Reference 1. I described my situation and included photos of my room. He is not big on DSP so he is steering me towards an all analog solution. Which is fine and my preferred ap... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@pokey77  Don't tell me this, now I have to go hear it. 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@paullb I am looking for a bit of a different sound from the KEF because I already have the LS50 (will never sell it) and I hope to buy the KEF Blade 2 (if my lottery ticket hits). So I am trying to avoid buying the KEF Reference 1 and try somethi... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@tomic601 Thanks for the invite and info on Lambvin in Oceanside. I was wondering where I would go for something like that. I heard the Treo CT at Sunny’s a few weeks ago after my demo with the Magico A3. Too many people in the CT demo to really h... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@ianrodger32 I am not a fan of horns. I have heard them a few times and they did not work for me. The Peachtree amp is a temporary amp for the office. I will upgrade the Peachtree to the new Nova 500. It will then go along with the KEF LS50 to ... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
Just emailed the local Harbeth dealer and he is backordered on all the Harbeth models but in mid-January when new stock arrives I can do a home demo with the SHL5+. He suggested the 30.2 may be a better fit in my room over the SHL5+ but that home ... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@dbphd1 Thanks for the offer. I have heard the KEF Ref 1 almost a half dozen times at dealers and various local shows. So that is why it is on my initial list for this difficult small room. I think it is one of the great ones I have heard (for a s... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@pokey77  I found a Harbeth dealer in Ventura, CA and I happen to be going to Ventura in 2 weeks. I have contacted him tonight to schedule a demo. 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@pokey77 I was reading some of your posts recently. I thought I read you had bought the TAD ME1 and TAD electronics. I was assuming from Excel Audio in Newport. I was thinking of going to some audio store in LA and checking out something in the Ha... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@tomic6011 My current LS50 and Peachtree is NOT fatiguing. However, in the past I have had bigger speakers in various room sizes, Thiel SCS4, Revel Salon 1, NHT 2.9. These speakers overloaded some of the rooms  and gave me headaches. Now the amps ...