
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

What unknown musical artist would you like to share with your fellow audiophiles?
One way I am discovering music is via ROON (or maybe Tidal). I am getting artists added to my virtual library based on the music I have played. I am now starting to appreciate this feature. I know a lot of people complain about this feature becaus... 
What unknown musical artist would you like to share with your fellow audiophiles?
A great Canadian group that is under the radar in the USA is The Tragically Hip. Lead singer recently died of cancer and the group is no more but check out the first 4 releases. They are the easiest to get into. The newer stuff is also very good b... 
What unknown musical artist would you like to share with your fellow audiophiles?
Tash Sultana - New album Flow State released in Sept 2018. Maybe Jimi Hendrix reincarnated. 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
I am currently listening to Siamese Dream by the Smashing Pumpkins. This one hurt my ears right now with the KEF LS50 and Peachtree Nova 150 in my office. One of the few recordings I will tolerate even though it is fatiguing. Once the GIK panels a... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@audiotroy Thanks for the additional feedback. My audio magazine research into the Harbeth SH:5+ also indicates it is a good speaker at all volume levels. It is also supposed to have good off-axis sound. I will definitely test these 2 aspects beca... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
Wow I wrote a lot here. Sorry about that.Before anyone starts getting upset with Audiotroy understand that I, the OP, appreciate his feedback. I actually spoke with Audiotroy (Dave) on the phone a month or 2 before I moved and he told me that the ... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
Found this little nugget on the following thread. So maybe the 3400 is not ideal for my room, due to the treatments.https://www.avforums.com/threads/lyngdorf-discussion-thread.1580956/page-4" This is why after spending 20 years or so learning abo... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
I have a small room that is in the process of getting room treatments from GIK Acoustics. I am considering the 3400 and was wondering if having room treatments is a detriment to the functionality of the Room Perfect system. I would assume it would... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@leotis  Thanks for the feedback. Exactly the type of info I was looking for.  I was thinking this over and I think i should buy the Lyngdorf 3400. With the Lyngdorf in the mix,  I will have room treatments,  DSP, and an equalizer via ROON as opti... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@mushka Here is a quote from my buddy about Spendor D7 | Room Size | GIK:Treatments"They want you to stay as far away as possible from the back wall. Which I would love to do but with a small room 11x13 is simply not possible. I was too close to t... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@pokey77 The A3 is not the best speaker I heard with regards to sound but it does 2 things that are real important to me. It does not sound like the sound is coming from the speaker (it disappears) and the sound stage is large and realistic. Nothi... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@kstirman I have narrowed down my list to Harbeth SHL5+ (home demo), KEF Reference 1, maybe TAD Me1 (price issue here), and Magico A3 (now that I can have a home demo of the A3 after treatments). The Magico A3 has a very large soundstage, the soun... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@paullb Thanks for that feedback. Out of the 4 integrated’s I have narrowed it down too only the Luxman 509x has tone controls. I would imagine that the Lyngdorf takes the concept of tone controls to another level. I have chosen these units for co... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
@dmbwire One reason I jumped in quickly to room treatments was because of a friend of mine who has a room slightly bigger than mine with Spendor D7’s. His system sounded rather good with the treatments. Prior to the treatments he said his sound wa... 
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
I just heard back form the Southern Cal Magico dealer I went to demo the A3. They allow home demo's of the speaker. This was some welcome news. Now i will know for certain that whatever purchase decision I make I will have zero doubt about it.