
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

why expensive streamers
I recommend a streamer with a fibre optic option. A Lumin X1 DAC/streamer or their brand-new streamer based on the X1. It is not cheap. I compared my much cheaper Sonore OpticalRendu with the Lumin X1 using fibre for both, and they sounded differ... 
Amp vs Preamp
There are also vendors that provide home trials. The preamp I use does that, the Benchmark HPA4.   
New DAC issues
The 2017 TAS review of the Yggi that raved about it and compared it $20k DACs said it needed 1 month of break-in. My Yggi+ OG has about 100 hours and a few days ago I was getting some fatigue while using my slightly bright RAAL CA-1a phones with a... 
Amp vs Preamp
In my 2 systems I use a preamp that I wanted to add as little to the sound as possible. I let the amp, speakers, and sources dictate the sound. My preamps are the Holo Audio Serene and the Benchmark HPA4. Only way I do this now.  
Pre Amp break-in balance issue
If you are a ROON user, then the following thread may help as a stop gap solution. Audiogon Discussion Forum I own a Sanders Magtech amp and I use it with a Magnepan LRS+ speakers. What a combo and I am so lucky I changed my mind about selling t... 
Why is my expensive streamer to my DAC better than sending Roon or my Mac directly to DAC
When you connect a PC directly to the DAC you are opening up a pathway for PC noise to get into the DAC. Not good. Your Lumin isolates that network noise and sends a clean signal to the DAC. A PC added to network can also add noise to the network... 
New DAC issues
Yes, on the break in of the Schitt Yggi+ OG. It is easy to hear this break-in process with my uber detailed RAAL CA-1a heaphone.  
New DAC issues
I went "down" from a $15k DAC to the latest Schitt Yggi+ LIM. It was bit better than the prior DAC (more details). The LIM is a slightly rolled off DAC and did not work great with my slightly warm Yamaha NS5000. However, the same DAC on the slight... 
Mola Mola Tambaqui Roon vs Separate Streamers
@fastfreight I have not heard anything about those 2 new DACs. Now I have something to read while I waste time at work.  
Mola Mola Tambaqui Roon vs Separate Streamers
The FPGA based DAC was first created by Andreas Koch at Playback Designs. Everyone else is following his coattails. Nagra decided to just buy the boards from PBD instead of creating their own, such as PS Audio (Ted Smith). I read somewhere that Te... 
What gear do you want to demo?
Diptyque audio - Hauts-parleurs plans Haute-Fidélité - Home Compare this to the Magnepan LRS+ I own Playback Designs | the finest audio playback in the world The guy who made them is at the head of the class for DAC design RAAL... 
Mola Mola Tambaqui Roon vs Separate Streamers
Nagra DACs get PlayBack Designs digital boards. They also do not get the best PBD boards. Those are saved for the cheaper PBD DACs (relative to Nagra). I read this in an interview with the PBD designer Andreas Koch.  
Requesting opinions about 4 specific amplifiers
I owned the CODA CSib integrated amp and the KRELL K-300i integrated. Both are really good as others have stated. However, separates are better. I tried a lot of preamps (including the CODA 07x) with the KRELL Duo 175XD, CODA #8, CODA #16, and Ben... 
KEF LS50 Meta
When I was considering upgrading from my LS50 Meta + KC60 sub in a small room. I was questioning the merits of an upgrade since the system sounded great. I audition the $15k TAD ME-1 standmounts, I thought it was better than the LS50 but not 10x b... 
Beth Gibbons - Lives Outgrown
Listening to this on my Magnum Dynalab 108T tuner, a great unit. My great sounding NPR station is playing the song, "Beyond the Sun" and it sounds amazing sonically. It is also a very nice song.  My ROON is down today (likely from an update) and ...