
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

Luxman 509x or Simaudio 600iV2 with mágico A3.
I heard the A3 with the Mark Levinson 585 integrated. It was a really good pairing. I have heard the 509x and found it a little underpowered even with Harbeth. I have not heard it with the A3 which are likely harder to drive. I also felt the 509x ... 
The new Schitt Mjolnir v3 is a very good preamp. It does not have a remote and is more of a desktop preamp/headphone amp. However, I found it much better than the Freya+. I use this for headphones, but I have used it with a CODA #16 amp. If you w... 
Thoughts on New Krell Amps
The new KRELL DUO XD amps sound great. Super smooth, with enough detail, and good power. Does not get hot either. A rumor post on A'gon was that KRELL will have a trickle-down version of the flagship KSA i400 out in June 2024.  
New DAC issues
I had an interesting conversation with a musician that worked for Schitt at the SchittR in Newhall, CA. I wanted to drive up and listen to the MIB since I was considering it as a DAC for my slightly warm Livingroom system. He had not heard the MIB... 
New DAC issues
@lous "they reluctantly admittedly that it was less detailed" Are you referring to the Schitt MIB?    
New DAC issues
I think the Yggi+ LIM is likely closer to the Lampi sound. I was debating whether to convert my LIM to the OG replacement, the More Is Better. It is a hard decision since the LIM sounds so good with my Magnepan LRS+. Not so good on my Yamaha NS500... 
RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis
Test RAAL 1995 IMMANIS - Musicalhead The best headphones in the world? The new RAAL 1995 IMMANIS is without a doubt the best headphones I have been able to listen to to this day and raises the playback via ear speakers to a completely new level... 
Sound Impressions - Benchmark HPA4/LA4 in use with a quality vinyl rig?
Another preamp I can suggest is the Holo Audio Serene. It is very similar to the HPA4 with a tinge of warmth. It actually measures a bit better than the HPA4. I wanted to get a second HPA4 for my office system, but I thought I would try the Serene... 
Help me understand the current amp market
Pilium, for example, is getting a lot of buzz, but the CEO is an ex gym owner that’s an audio enthusiast and not an electrical engineer. I feel the same way with DACs. Companies charging 6k to add an optional DAC module into an already overpric... 
Sound Impressions - Benchmark HPA4/LA4 in use with a quality vinyl rig?
I had some fatigue issues with the system that had the LA4. I tried changing difference speaker cables and that resulted in the issue moving around to different frequency levels. I bit the bullet and bought the Audience Front Row speaker cable tha... 
Looking for comparisons between CD transports
I have an OPPO BDP-83 that I got used for $200 and use it with this device to play SACD and CD. The HDMI out of the OPPO delivers DSD or PCM. It sounds amazing with the Schitt Yggi+ and Benchmark DAC3B both via SPDIF. My frame of reference is the ... 
Should I cash in?
There will be a day when you wished you could play your disks. Maybe the internet is down, or you have that killer version of DSOTM on SACD that is not available on streaming services, or you have not converted your disks to FLAC. You can play th... 
New DAC issues
@zlone I would have PASS look at it or send you the solder they use. When I was putting back together my totally messed up Thiel CS3.7 speaker the Thiel tech in Kentucky (forgot his name) sent me some solder they use on the Thiel speakers. That wa... 
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
I am going to pick up a used CODA S5.5's when people decide they want more power. I think it will be great with the soon to purchase RAAL 1995 Immanis headphone. I have something like 5 ways to play those phones, one of them being the $800 Schitt ... 
why expensive streamers
@8th-note I simply would not expect the streamed file to sound better than the CD played through the same DAC. If it did then I would question the quality of my CD gear. If my PC is somehow adding noise or corrupting the file then I can’t hear ...