Responses from yakbob
FAKE NEWS - NEGATIVE REVIEWS NOT ALLOWED!! I agree with most of what you said @deep_333. I didn’t watch the video. I won’t give these people the air in the room, or the clicks needed to generate their income. Attention is the currency of social media. When these outlets collide with the ... | |
Top 3 BT Earbuds?? Awkward proselytizing aside, the AKG N5005 at its current fire sale price of $160.00, is likely the best Bluetooth capable IEM out there for the money. These originally retailed for $1000 and can be run wired, balanced or wireless BT. Cons: The... | |
TUBE REPAIR WESTERN MASS-ALBANY I’ve had gear repaired at both AudioClassics (already mentioned) and Hudson Valley Hifi. Both offer exemplary service. https://hudsonvalleyhifi.com Since you mentioned Albany specifically, I’ll warn you against The Stereo Workshop just north of A... | |
Confused with size of speaker to get when placed along long wall in large room @djwong , my home sounds like a similar layout to yours at a slightly smaller scale. One way to (partially) remove the room from the equation is with a point source design. A more focused presentation in your sweet spot, but you may give up someth... | |
Need someone to look at my Dynaco 70 @sparkymaui , have you looked into Paradyme? I’m not from the area, but they list Vintage Stereo Repair as one of their services (along with car audio and home automation/installs). They’re on Fulton Ave. in Sacramento. www.paradyme.com The ST-... | |
Tekton Open Baffle Speakers @mofojo, I wouldn’t agree with the opinion that open baffle designs aren’t good for rock/metal. I owned a pair of Spatial Audio open baffles that did rock just fine. You just have to know going in that OBs (generally) don’t do bass. So you’d want ... | |
Tube Rolling I currently use the PrimaLuna Evo 300 power amp in my main system. I’m not aware of any reissue Brimar CV4003 so I assume you’re talking about the NOS variety from the likes of Upscale Audio. I have a pair of those, and while I have had them in my... | |
*DAC @navyachts , I understand your position and wanting to stick with a speaker based solution. While I’ve not heard it, the original Denafrips Terminator or Terminator 2 might be worth researching. It’s still R2R like your Gustard, but most of what ... | |
*DAC What you're looking for are headphones. | |
REL .LFE input @ronboco , most people seem to be happy with the Signal Cable Speakon cable over others and at a much lower cost than the REL Blue. I’m going in that direction for my 212se. | |
Better DAC then DA1 module in McIntosh C49 without braking the bank. Holo Spring 3 L1 or L2 sans pre-amp would fall within your budget, and is touted as being close in performance to the May. GoldenSound has a thorough review here: | |
REL .LFE input Also wanted to share this post from a user on audio aficionado, it could be the speakon connector internal wiring: “I’ve been disappointed with the stock 10m Neutrik cable that came with my REL T-zero sub. It’s a great little sub for a medium/sma... | |
Better DAC then DA1 module in McIntosh C49 without braking the bank. You don’t state at what price level the bank begins to break, but if $700 is within reason, this Musical Paradise MP-D2 dac would probably do the trick. https://www.ebay.com/itm/266565600187 I owned the MKii version and still regret selling... | |
REL .LFE input @last_lemming , did you try disconnecting the ground from the amp end of your speakon wire while using a single RCA between the sub and amp as outlined here? https://relsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004649588-How-do-I-stop-my-subwoof... | |
Does it bother you when you see inflated MSRP’s for used gear on AG? Sellers listing inflated MSRP is a good indicator of who you may be dealing with. Items are only worth what someone is willing to pay (looking at you Mr. DoYouKnowHowLuckyYouAreImSellingThis) What I have a problem with is deceitful behavior from ... |