

Responses from xactaudio

Berning ZH270 vs 845 SET amp
Thanks Wil,You and all here have an open invitation to come by and listen. These amps have fulfilled my highest expectations and then some. The thing I am most amazed with is the way the new amps with about four times the power of the 270s, still ... 
Berning ZH270 vs 845 SET amp
Hi Mike,Since you are looking for a consensus, I will give you my .02 worth. I agree with Slowhand (hi Tom). As well as being fast, they deliver VERY nice top to bottom sound. They will however, let you know when you have a cable or other system l... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Jean and fellow 'Goners, hope you had a great Christmas and I wish you all a grand New Year!Now, if this guy with the EMT 948 really is thinking about selling his trusty plattenspieler, let me be the first in line to buy it. I will even throw in a... 
My Teres 350 is on the way
Jyprez, I would be happy to extend an invitation to you so you can hear a Schröder arm. I think you may understand the supply/demand situation for the Schröder a little better after you hear and see one. While much ink has been devoted to how the ... 
Brinkman Balance Comparisons
Hi Gladstone, I hope to hear one of Chris' DD tables in my room next year. I think they are just coming on line production wise. We will see. I have inspected/heard the Grand Prix tables and listened to Alvin Lloyd explain his newest creation seve... 
Brinkman Balance Comparisons
Hi guys, glad that I could add a little something to the group. I have received so much help here. It feels good to give back once and awhile.Gladstone, I would include the Walker in with the SME 30, very smooth, VERY quiet and very well crafted b... 
Brinkman Balance Comparisons
Hi Andrew, I might be able to shed some light on the tables you listed. One year ago I bought the Brinkmann LaGrange after much shopping and traveling to listen to the many other tables on my list. I owned a Teres 265 at the time and the Brinkmann... 
Donald Fagen's Nightfly - Love it or Hate it?
Agree with Tvad. Not a bad song on the album. If pressed, Ruby Baby and New Frontier would be my two favorites. Has enough complexity to keep things from getting boring, very well recorded and it is just plain fun. It would be in my top twenty lis... 
Tranfiguration Orpheus description
BRAVO Doug for posting your detailed and well written review. Your insight into what you and Paul hear in your system carries much weight with myself. Please don't let someone's insecurity with his own system or ears deter you from posting your fi... 
TIME to break in a Denon 103R
Hey Larry, I just installed a new 103 (couldn't swing the extra $90 for the R) on a DIY TT project two days ago. I agree with HDM that after about 15 hours, four of which were run on the Cardas burn in disc, the 103 REALLY smoothed out and started... 
Help with a tube amp recommendation
If you want all the detail that is recorded to your software, I have to say the Berning ZH-270 is a mighty fine amp when used with Merlins. This amp lets the details come through in a very fast, neutral and unhindered way. The Bernings also are th... 
Tracking Force Gauges
I said the gauge comes with (there are several jokes here but I better leave it alone) three batteries when in fact it comes with four thin watch type batteries. It uses two batteries at a time so you have a spare set. I guess battery life is stil... 
Tracking Force Gauges
Aoliviero, the surface that is used to rest the stylus on is non-magnetic genuine stainless steel. It also has a thin plastic or nylon type pad with a bull's eye glued to the recessed center of the scale's metal pad. This "landing zone" is slightl... 
Tracking Force Gauges
For what it may be worth, I have a lab certified 2 gram weight and today this new scale from Singapore read exactly 2.000g nine out of ten times. One time it read 1.998g. Last week, it read 2.000g ten times in a row. It also seems to be very consi... 
Out of curiosity, where does everyone live?
Boise, Idaho...