

Responses from xactaudio

Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Charles, the Absolare amps you heard at CES used the Elrog ER-845 that are made in Germany. 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Happy New Year Warrenh,I am on my second set of DEf 4's and I can tell you that the first set with 850 hours were still getting smoother and faster, top to bottom, when they went to live with another family. The second set now have over 1000 hours... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Charles 1 Dad, glad you are enjoying the new sound from your speakers. You may want to hear what happens when you upgrade some of 89 cent caps in your Frankensteins. The coupling cap and the bypass cap is where you need to start. I still have a fe... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Good day citizen Nandric,Thank you for your most generous offer but why would I want your G5 when I have the amazing MFG61? New in the original box so no need for a second box, but again, thanks.Seriously though, I would enjoy doing a comparison a... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Sorry Nandric but I am sure you will be fine as there will always be another "must have" to hunt down. I did buy the Glanz MFG-11T off eBay the other day. Had not seen one of those for sale until then. It has a Titanium cantilever so it can't be a... 
Audio Desk Record Cleaner-Anyone buy one yet
For those experiencing a few drops of water on thin LPs after the drying process, give this a try. Pull the white wipers out, turn them upside down, reinsert. The wipers appear to take a set with use. I rotate them every 40-50 records and have not... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Nandric, I did not take the time to swap stili between bodies. All of the 3.5mv Mitachi generators most likely sound the same or very close but to be sure, I will experiment later. I think I have six different bodies between Astatic and Glanz. Cou... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Same results here Nandric. The MF200 and 31L are very close sonically and both sound very good. The 51E is not even close, at least with the stock cantilever/stylus. A good candidate for a retip I suppose. Without doing a direct comparison, I have... 
Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?
Hi John,No, I did not receive any forwarded email from you. Sorry. You can reach meat xactaudio@gmail.com or 208-860-9559Hope this is not against the rules... 
Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?
Sorry to those that have ordered the new 3P Reed. If I had not insisted on a couple of serious changes to the prototype you all would have had your arms by now. Credit to Vidmantas. He fought me for a while but went ahead and humored me. He had to... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Nandric, sounds like you have the makings of another country & westren song. 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
That could be a country & western song. The difference between C&W and blues songs? Blues tend to make you feel better, C&W will drive you to drink.Now to get this back on track, compared the MFG 31E to the 31L the last two nights. Hav... 
looking to purchase AT6006 tonearm lift or similar
I have one NOS and one used. vetterone@msn.com 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Sorry for the delayed response guys but I have been in a terrible sad state since Nandric reminded me that I have no friends, only turntables to keep me company. I now wonder if my dog likes me...I thought she did but, who knows.One thing is for s... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Nandric, I answered your question. Knowing lawyers as I do, I would never put forth anything more than what was asked from them. In fact most lawyers would never ask a question for which they did not already know the answer.I hate to assume anythi...