
Responses from wqgq_641

Tubes for Schiit Saga
I replaced the default tube in the Vali2 with a Telefunken Black Diamond from Tube Depot and even with this cheap headphone amp ($150) and Fiil headphones the improvement is very noticeable sounding smoother and more musical - more relaxing to lis... 
My hearing deficits are becoming clear...
The brand most used by classical musicians is Widex Evoke - they are pricy but have a special music setting that is not visible by default but your audiologist can unlock it for you. They are particularly good if you also have an iPhone since a lo... 
Footers Under Power Conditioners?
I use Herbies square dots under mine because I had put the Panamax back on the 1.5" butcher block rack too soon after sealing it with 50/50 Tung oil and Mineral Oil and the feet stuck to the surface. The feet broke when I levered it off so I neede... 
Advice on CD transport
I'm using a Pioneer  UDP-LX500 universal player as my CDT, $1099 list, $999 from dealers. It was a huge improvement on the Rotel CD player I was using as a CDT and it is a top notch 4K Blu-ray player.I have the digital out plugged into a Rega DAC... 
Phono preamp worth it with MM cartridges?
Thank you - between you you've given me a lot to think about 
Phono preamp worth it with MM cartridges?
@chakster thanks, what to your ears would be a better sounding MM? My local dealer offered me the 2M Black which I'm open to as a long time fan of Ortofon but he thought it comparable to the Exact. I guess there's no point buying a better cartridg... 
Building your own HiFI rack (hasn't been discussed in a while)
If any of you wish to reply with links to photos of your homemade racks or stands, I'd be curious to see them. Thanks. 
Building your own HiFI rack (hasn't been discussed in a while)
@twoleftears I've four large gliders, thanks. 3/8" was easist size to buy metal sockets to insert into the legs@mattmiller my previous rack was Salamander, my partner objected to it aesthetically and I wasn't all that impressed it sonically. I can... 
Building your own HiFI rack (hasn't been discussed in a while)
Thanks, I hadn't heard of Part Express - I've just been been looking https://www.analogueseduction.net/isolation/analogue-studio-locking-m8-floor-spikes-set-of-4.htmlIt is the footing for bottom legs onto the floor that concerns me most 
Please Help Me Build A System Under 6k!!
What I meat to add is that I really wished I'd simply bought a P6 rather than upgrading a P3 until it sounded the way I had initially hoped it would sound. It would have been cheaper. 
Please Help Me Build A System Under 6k!!
I had the same budget and got Rega Elex-R, Rega P3+Exact+Neo+Groovetracer Reference Subplatter, Spendor A4.  This mostly for listening to Jazz, Classical, and Singer/Songwriter - the A4's would not be a good choice for Rock.The Elex-R is design to... 
Real world life expectancy of a high end cartridge?
I love the way people argue rather than taking 5 minutes to check the facts readily available on line, e.g. Google for Walter Davies's patent on Stylast ... https://patents.google.com/patent/US5389281A/en As a funny coincidence the patents expir... 
Music I would succumb to under torture
@alexatpos  congrats on finding Severina - Gas Gas - definitely one of the more inappropriate music videos I've seen since Blurred Lines. 
Music I would succumb to under torture
John Mayer - his 'Daughters' sounds like someone took the drone note from bagpipes and flattened it by the most painful possible interval. It makes me lunge to change channels on the radio instantly. 
Dealer Behavior
I've had great experiences in Central PA at HiDef Lifestyle (for Rega and Dali) in Harrisburg and BEK (for Spendor) in Allentown.  HiDef lined up several speakers I was interested in, and I had a room to myself while I listened through a CD I'd cu...