Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
Everyone do a google search 
for"audio signals and emw" there are may pages on how and why these signals do and dont interact . I have much to read. Tom

The leading medical expert on this topic in the US is probably Beth Darnall  She uses Binaural frequencies around the 7-8Hz range for pain management but they only work with headphone because the the low frequency comes from the dissonance between two notes slightly apart playing to each ear. iTunes has a whole Binaural playlist for Alpha, Beta, Theta brainwave frequencies if anyone is curious about the relaxation side of these frequencies.

Open question for those 'who care' why these generators work in your system-

Do you believe it is affecting the electronics, the air in the room, you physically, or a combination there of?
All this is very interesting!

Very curious about this as a tweak.

Question. If this is there to create - oversimplified I know - a unifying field for EMI and sound waves, and to "clear the space" of unwanted resonance, if you implement multiple units, would they not cancel each other out if out of phase with each other?

I get they are all plugged into the same AC and are "synced" (in theory) to the same cycle, how do multiple units synced together? How can you ensure they are in phase? 
