Tube Amp in Snowpiercer

Hi, this is more than a bit random but does anyone recognize the great looking tube amp that WIlford is using with his deck in Snowpiercer Season 2?  I never get a good enough look and my mind gravitates to questions like that with anything I watch.

Any other TV or movie sequences with interesting audio setups in the scene ?

Snowpiercer is a TV series currently showing in the US (and Amazon Prime) - I imagine most audiophiles notice the HiFi in what they are watching? Don't they?

I imagine most audiophiles notice the HiFi in what they are watching? Don’t they?

guess I dont get the whole big deal about something like this.

It’s huge. Hollywood puts big money into props like this to push their narrative. It is everywhere. Like I forget the movie but some shallow but loaded character they put Meridian speakers prominently in his room. So of course some guy here asks about em. In Jerry Maguire when they want to show how sophisticated a character is they have her play Mingus on LP. On and on.

These people are obsessed with image. Snowpiercer is steampunk sci-fi so of course some midwit set designer has to come up with background bling that fits that vibe. Inevitably some dude sees it and goes wow cool must be good.

No. Must look good. All the difference in the world.
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