
Responses from wireless200

You know you're an audiophile if--
You feel you need an audiophile-level system in at least 4 or 5 rooms (main room, bedroom, bathroom/walk-in, garage, home office, music room where real insturments are) in your house. And at work as well. 
Tube Question - Do they need time to "Break In"
Do you wait until they're warmed up before playing music? My McIntosh has about a 30-second "tube-warmup" before it'll play. It literally display "tube-warmup" on the front LEDs. My Cary 120S manual says warm-up time is 3 minutes. The tech at Cary... 
What to do with bad recorded CDs
It depends on how bad. Try to find a better copy, tolerate it, don't listen, or adjust the tone controls to mitigate the mix. I know it's just plain impossible on some recordings. Face it, you can't make silk from a sow's ear and you may just have... 
McIntosh C220 C2200 C2300 differences?
Check the McIntosh forum over at audiokarma.org. Many of the posters are given to hyperbole but there's some good information there for McIntosh fans. 
Klipsch Heresy: Inexpensive Int. Amps or Receivers
My Heresy IIIs I picked up the other day have plenty of bass. Being driven by a Cary 120S tube amp. I had Heresy Is in the 80s and they could never seem to get enough power for the bass. I think the problem as mentioned in another thread was they ... 
Please suggest good balanced Preamp
Tvad, what tube equipment are you using now, in particular for the power amp? How does it compare to other brands you've used? 
Please suggest good balanced Preamp
The Atma-Sphere preamps utilize a lot of tubes. When you detect a bad tube, tracking it one down is reasonably time consuming.I owned an MP-1 preamp, and as great as it sounded, the tube maintenance involved was clearly going to be an issue for m... 
Amp recommendation: Cary SS vs. McCormack vs. Ayre
I was over there today. We were taking a look at something else and when I asked the service guy, he was pretty clueless about the Concept series. He's just not that familiar with some of the product line. I would have like something more definiti... 
Replaced La Scala with...?
I never cared for the LaScalas' sound. My roommate in the army had a pair while I had both Heresys and Fortes. IMO, either the Heresys or the Fortes, and especially the Fortes sounded much better. I recently picked up a pair of Heresy IIIs as a fo... 
Amp recommendation: Cary SS vs. McCormack vs. Ayre
I'm going back over there tomorrow or the next day. I'll try to remember to ask about the concept series. 
Amp recommendation: Cary SS vs. McCormack vs. Ayre
I was in the Cary factory the other day and was told they don't even make class D amps anymore. I was also under the impression they made mostly if not all their SS amps class D. I often thought that class D amp they did make for a while hurt thei... 
Pet Sounds: Most Overrated Album of All Time?
The funny thing is if you go to Metacritic.com, Smile is the highest rated album ever (as far as their reviews go back). I have to admit it's pretty good but I don't get the "100" rating. 
Best Integrated Amp Of All Times?
The woofer surrounds are good. I had them redone at some point. The only problem is there's a three way switch on the back for the tweeter. Extended - Normal - Reduced. With one of the speakers only extended works. Is this a crossover problem or a... 
Best Mainstream Receiver for 2 Channel Audio
I would suggest buying an SR800x used. They are built like tanks and sound great for a mainstream receiver. 
Best Integrated Amp Of All Times?
I had the CR1020 (70 watts per channel I believe) with New Advents. Very nice sound. The CR1020 just dies in the late 80s. I still have the Advents, trying to figure out what to do with them. I hooked them up the other day and they sounded suprisi...