
Responses from willgolf

Integrated amplifier help
If you don't think a Raven tube Integrated can work than you may want to consider Luxman or Gryphon.   
New speakers and guidance
jond - you don't want to know....they got my Amp also.  I ended up buying them a brand new Lumin because I was not going to give up my Lumin X-1.  Let's say they got a great deal but when you are dealing in the price point I was in sometimes you t... 
New speakers and guidance
Where do you live?  Do you have access to many audio stores locally?  I had Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage speakers.  I sold my house  and the new owner demanded them as part of the deal.  I went on a 4 month mission to go around the country b... 
Suggestions for Integrated amp.
Call Dave Thomson at Raven Audio in Texas.  They have a line up of integrated tube amps for anyones budget.  I personally had the Reflection MK2 tube amp and it was outstanding.  He is a wealth of information and is a true gentleman.  
Silverline or Sonus Faber
I have experienced both and in fact purchased the Silverline MS for my son.  Like SOIX I am not a fan of the lower level SF speakers.  I did own SF Amati Tradition Homage speakers and they were a great speaker but obviously a totally different ani... 
Time for the Dynaco to go, Affordable Integrated or Separates for Wilson's Under $2.5K?
With your budget just buy an integrated amp.  Like Millercarbon I am big fan on Raven Audio.....An amp for any budget.I did look at the sale going on at Underwood HIFI....based on what I saw you can definitely find something to meet your needs.Goo... 
My Demo results: I feel like I'm at a frustrating block in my speaker journey
Need more information:  what is your source of music?  Dac / Streamer / Phone / CD Player?  I think you have the Marantz because it is able to do movies, play Spotify, Pandora etc.  Is that correct?  Your room is pretty small so you probably don't... 
New Amp help/recomendations?
Yes, Raven is also now in the speaker business.  I did hear them at the home of the designer and they were damn good.  They also offer cables.   I purchased RCA, speaker cables and Power Cords from them but I have not used them yet so I can't comm... 
New Amp help/recomendations?
Look, I have direct experience with Raven Reflection MK2.  It drove Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage Speakers.  A couple of facts....Outstanding customer service, a great owner in Dave Thomson, and some of the best tubes you could ever possibly ... 
Wilson Audio for a 1600 sq ft space
My original speakers in my large room were the Wilson Audio Duette 2's.  Great little speakers but not for a giant room.  I listened to the Wilson X-1 versus the SF Amati Tradition Homage Speakers and imo, the SF were far better than the X-1.  Con... 
Another Newbie, Another Help Thread
EVO 400 is excellent but I had the Raven Reflection MK2 and it was frikking awesome.  It may be more than what you want to spend but there are others in the Raven Line-up that you could also consider.  Call Dave Thomson at Raven.   
To horn or not to horn
You might want to read my forum...Horn Speaker Suggestions.  I went through a very long process before deciding on horn speakers.  Never in a million years did I think I would end up with horn speakers.  I listened to tons of very high end non hor... 
best power conditioners under 4k
Regardless, to answer the OP's question, Inakustic 3500P.   
Home Theater Speakers exclusively
I am building my third theater room in 10 years.  My first set of speakers were in wall RBH.  They were very good.  My next theater room I had Dali Epicon In wall speakers.  For my latest theater room I am going to try Tekton Double Impact in a 5-... 
Is there any Streamer/DAC/Preamp good enough to replace a dedicated standalone preamp?
Second on Lumin X-1 be an outstanding streamer / dac.