
Responses from willgolf

Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
I have just completed reading this thread.  OMG.  So, I am building a new house.  I used the PPT paste in my last house on all of my components.  I also used the SR Blue fuse on my Raven Tube amp.  Yes, I did hear an improvement in sound.  So now ... 
Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d
I have owned the Raven Integrated Reflection MK2 tube amp.  Dave Thomson is one of the owners.  The customer service is second to none.  His tubes are rare producing awesome music and he has a price point for every individual.  You owe it to yours... 
Mola Mola Makua and Kartugas or Preamp and Merrill Veritas?
Tim - As previously stated I would sell the Makua pre-amp separate.  Or, I could be talked into selling the Kaluga's separate.  Also, what speakers do you have?   
Time to buy a class D amp?
Noble100....see my new listing on Mola Mola Kaluga and Makua.   
Streaming music
i have had the Lumin A1 and X1.  I loved them so much I got rid of my EMM Lab DAC which was also connected to them.  The user interface is just so easy to use.  I had 10,000 songs on a Synology NAS and I also used Tidal for new music.  If you can ... 
Horn Speaker Recommendations
It has been awhile but I thought I would update everyone on my speaker purchase.  After going through an exhaustive period of research and listening I have decided on Viking Acoustic Grande Voix.  I am custom ordering them in a black main cabinet ... 
Considering Moving to an Integrated, Opinions Appreciated
You should consider Raven integrated tube amps.  Superior sound and Dave Thomson has some of the most special tubes on the world in his arsenal.  Call Dave and at least talk to him 
Lumin X1 or dCS Bartok
I can only speak to the Lumin.  I have owned the D1, A1and now the X1.  I ended up selling my Emm Lab Dac after getting the X1.  I had a Raven Integrated Reflection MK2 amp and SF Amati Tradition Homage speakers.  People who came to my house were ... 
Time to buy a class D amp?
I have a set of Mola Mola Kaluga amps and Makua Pre-Amp for sale on this site that are brand new and never been used.  Sorry for the blatant advertisement, but it is Class D at its best.   
Sim Audio NEO 380D compared to DAC - Streamer
I ended up buying the Lumin X-1.  I can't really remember the 380D 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
My brand new Mola Mola Kaluga amp and Makua Pre-Amp will.  Oh by the way, I just listed them for sale on Audiogon.  
What just happened to accepting Paypal?? looks like they are trying to drive us away
I spent two hours just trying to list my components today.  I got frustrated also because they wanted me to be a business owner and then sign up with stripe>  I was nervous about stripe.  I don't get it.  I wanted to pay with a credit card my f... 
Lumin X1 and headphones amplifier: what to do ?
I have owned the A-1 and the X-1.  All I can say is Wow.   
The best speaker for a small room...at any price point.
At one point I had Wilson Audio Duette 2's with a tube amp in a large room and the sound was fantastic.  I can only imagine those speakers in a small room.   
Warm Class D for horns?
I have Bruno Putzey's Mola Mola Kaluga and Makua for sale on US Audio Mart.  Class D at its finest.  They are brand new and never used.  I just listed them.  You may want to read about them.