
Responses from willgolf

Sonus Faber Amati Tradition - How Many Watts Optimal?
Interesting...I had SF Amati Tradition Homage Speakers.  I drove them in a very large room with a Raven Reflection MK2 Integrated tube amp and the sound was incredible and easy to drive.  I used KT 150 Power tubes and probably driving them at 62 w... 
Stereo Times list of the " 2020 MOST WANTED COMPONENTS"
Nice article and at least components at the reasonable prices to high end. Good to see Canary Audio 350’s and C1800’s/ I have the Canary Audio Grand Reference 300 B and the C1800 Pre-amp. The Grand Reference delivers 125wpc with 16 300 B tubes. Gr... 
Integrated Tube Amp Demo Follow-up
Finally, someone who has tested multiple amps at the same time.  Great Writr-up.  I was really interested in your outcome.  I had the The Raven Reflection MK2 amp and loved it.  Dave T is an awesome guy with some of the best vintage tubes out ther... 
Server/Streamer or Streamer/DAC?
JC5= I am kind of in your same boat.  I have a Lumin X-1 which is a DAC / Streamer and I love it.  However, I have been debating whether to add a music server to even improve the sonics more.  Is that guaranteed????  I don't know.  A dealer wants ... 
REVIEW: Raven Audio Blackhawk Integrated, Soniquil Cables....
I have learned that what or when you write or text something in a public forum can sometimes be perceived wrong by the parties involved.  For me, it is better to go to the source first to solve problems then putting it in an open forum that can re... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
By the way, I had KT 150's in my Reflection MK2 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
Trust me...you made a great selelction.  You will love it.  I owned the Raven Reflection MK2.  Great Customer service.  A phenomenal selection of tubes and sound quality is upper tier in that price point.  Plus you get a 45 day money back guarante... 
Something amazing - what would you buy
My daughter lives in Southlake right near Central Market.  I will admit I did check out theater room stores when I visited and felt that you really don't have that many local options for such a large city.  Raven Audio has an office in Dallas.  I ... 
Replacement for Marantz AV8801: another prepro or receiver?
Look at the Integra DRX Line.  I went from the Marantz to Integra.  PLenty of power and all in one unit. 
Something amazing - what would you buy
I am not a fan of perforated screens.  I don't care what screen makers say, I don't think you have as good of picture quality and sound quality if you are going to hide speakers behind a screen.  I hope we are helping....love that you are going to... 
Speaker upgrade for classical music
Sorry I missed your budget initially as I am functionally blind. You have a lot of very nice suggestions but I agree that you need to upgrade your amp and speakers.Right in your own town of Santa Fe is a speaker maker named Viking Acoustic.  David... 
Something amazing - what would you buy
Now that we know a little bit more about you, my answer changes a little bit.  If you're 80% movies, tv, sports then your projector is spot on.  I said Mac has good equipment but given how you intend on using that room, you are totally wasting you... 
Speaker upgrade for classical music
What is your budget?  If you don't provide that then you are going to get a hundred different suggestions all across the board.   
Something amazing - what would you buy
Wow, nice budget and the potential is incredible.  I just completed my third theater room in 12 years.  My current room is 15' D x 20'W and seats six.  This is the smallest of all of the TR's that I built.  The  difference is that mine is a dedica... 
Best integrated for my needs????
I see no consideration for Tube integrated amps.  I had Raven Reflection MK2 tube amp.  It cost around 12k.  This amp dreove Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage speakers beautifully and they are fantastic to look at.  They are made in the USA out o...