
Responses from willgolf

Viking Acoustic L'Instrument Grande Voix First Impressions
JohnCongrats on your purchase of the Tube Masters.  I did hear them in his studio when I visited over a year ago.  I heard an earlier version.  Viking owners are very lucky.  Hardly anyone knows about David and his magic and knowledge with speaker... 
The end of Perfect Path Technologies
MC - Love your Aquarium. 
Does a Tube Dac make sense?
It depends on your budget also.  I had a Lumin X-1 to source my tube mono and Pre-amp.  I thought a tube DAC would take it to the next level.  So I ordered the Lampizator Pacific.  Thje Pacific is a tremendous DAC.  However, after owning both the ... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
Ozzy, good luck  in your audio journey.  I was really looking forward to your review.  I really wish you could have at least demo'd the Raven and taken advantage of the return policy if needed.  But I understand your concerns. It is my strong opin... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
Ok, I have to defend Dave T.  I have known him for over 8 years and have purchased various products from Raven.  He has taken the time to discuss any thoughts that I have about my amp at any hour of the day.  I have even called him at 11pm expecti... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
I just took delivery of a totallt different $50k amp that had a hum in one channel.   After switiching power cable. interconnects, speaker cables and some tubes it was still there.  Similar to above it was a loose grounding wire.  I also hada hum ... 
Raven Audio SC
You won't find a better bang for the buck on either the Speakers cables or interconnects.  However, like everything there are better and it is all personal taste. 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
I had a Raven Reflection MK2 at around 68wpc with KT150 tubes in it.  It was probably the equivalent of a 200wpc SS.  It drove Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage Speakers with ease.  
Sellers: When do you drop your price?
I have had a lot of success selling components but I do somewhat panic for no reason.  Recently, I sold a DAC.  I had 5 offers from one guy who also bid on something I had 5 years ago.  All Low ball offers and having to listen to him tell me that ... 
Snake oil??
MillerCarbon ----the problem is that TC is no longer made.  I have a tiny bit left over but it has hardened to where it is very difficult to apply.  Any ideas on how to make it more pliable....and no it can't go in the microwave.  LOLI am thinking... 
Music Servers, Do They Matter?
I am about to find out.  I ordered a Lucas Audio LMDS 8tb Music server to go with my Lampizator Pacific.  I sure hope it does. 
Dallas or Texas-based audio companies
Let's get back to Texas.  Yes Raven is a Texas company.  Please do not judge the Raven speakers by the price tag until you have heard them  Op...give James Connel a call.  He lives in the Dallas area.  I am sure he can arrange a demo of the amps a... 
Do I need a new DAC/streamer. Considering?
Given the rest of your equipment, I would definitely entertain a Lumin X-1.  I have had the D-2, A-1, U-1 mini and the X-1.  you can sell off the your other digital equipment and just use the X-1.  I just sold my X-1 because I wanted a Tube DAC to... 
What do you have on order RIGHT NOW.
Appropriate question for me.  I just took delivery of a new Lampizator Pacific Dac from Poland and 6 new Helix Power Cords.  I still have a Lucas Audio LMDS music server coming from the UK to Arizona.  That will finalize my system I hope for the n... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
I had a hum on  different brand amplifier and it drove me nuts.  I swapped out PC's, plugged them directly into the wall, swapped speaker and RCA cables, changeds tubes and nothing corrected the hum in one speaker.  It ended up being a simple loos...