
Responses from willgolf

The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
Which fuse should I buy? I'll order it tonight, put it in and report back in a few weeks. We do lots of blind test but this one will take a bit more planning because the amp will have to be opened up.   You should buy SR purple and the QSA yello... 
Speakers for a Large Room (20’x37’)
What is your BUDGET?  Will you consider a horn speaker?  I have a room larger than the one you speak of.  After a long search, I ended up buying Viking Acoustic Grande Voix dual horn speakers.  They absolutely fill the room with musical bliss.  Ch... 
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
@audiosense.... What fuse are you comparing?  Orange to Purple?  QSA to SR?   I am looking for people who have compared the SR purple to the QSA yellow.    
Tube integrated amp recommendations
+1 for MC....I owned the Reflection.  What an amp in every way.  It has the power and sound and aesthetics.   Tube rolling is a treat thanks to Dave's knowledge.  Raven has placed the majority of its efforts in the Speaker and the Avian MK3 line-u... 
Horn speakers are really bright?
Lord Rootman --- I am a horn fan and don't understand why they are not more popular in the USA.  I have Viking Acoustic Grande Voix Dual horns that I absolutely love.Thanks for introducing me to a new artist.  I am curious.  Did you just use your ... 
How do you enhance a bad listening room's accoustics without breaking the bank? thoughts?
I have used GIK and Acoustimate in the past.  I have heard of supply issues with GIK recently.  I used Vicoustic Acoustic Cinema Round panels that not only look great on walls but they really helped my absorption issues greatly.  Check out their w... 
That Other Audiophile Website
I have had way more success selling my components on US Audio than Audiogon.  Oh, and it is a free listing without time limits.   
A Newcomer to Digital Looking to Upgrade My Dac, Tubes? Ideas?
If you are a music lover a $2k DAC will not give you the sound quality you are used to with Vinyl.  Now if you just want music in the background then any inexpensive DAC will work.  I have had 4 Lumin DAC's ...U-1 mini, D-2, A-1 and X-1.  Each one... 
How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components?
P.S. Cables, Power cords, Power Condtioners, fuses, isolation pods and room acoustics all play into the equation.  However, that can be done later. 
How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components?
A very interesting thread with no right or wrong answers IMHO.  For me, the first component you want to get right is the speakers.  Take your time and don't just buy what the local dealer tries to sell you.  Then you match the amp / pre-amp or int... 
Amps In Wall Or Conditioner?
I have my Canary Mono Amps directly in the wall on a dedicated 20 amp line.  All other components including Pre-Amp on InaKustic 3500P PC.  I was told by my amp builder to not plug amps into a PC. 
Quantum Science Audio Thread
I have all yellow QSA fuses.  I would love to hear from anyone who has purchased a QSA red.  Is it worth it?  What improvements did you hear?  Were you able to distinguish a difference in placing it in only one component?  Which component?  If I u... 
Western Electric or Takatsuki 300Bs?
I recently purchased 18 Western Electric 300B tubes for my mono amps and DAC.  I have not placed them in my DAC but I will tell you they were a major improvement over the Gold Lions that I had in my Canary Grand Reference Mono's..  Way better bass... 
Best Integrated that you've heard under $5k
+1 for Raven Blackhawk.   
Acoustic treatment question: do you agree with Dennis Foley that $46k to $65k is required?
Totally disagree.  I have a very large rooms with a lot of glass and minimal walls.  After a year I added 4 Vicoustic Acoustic Absorption panels and I could not believe how much the sound improved.  It cost me $2K.  I received a quote from him and...