
Responses from willgolf

SPDIF Digital Cable Recommendations
@jasbirnandra  Regarding your questions....the biggest SQ improvement in my sound came from when I added the Lucas Audio LDMS.  It was a bigger change than putting 16 Western Electric 300B tubes in my Canary Grand Reference Mono amps.  The WE tub... 
SPDIF Digital Cable Recommendations
Well, I guess I have some research to do.  Charlesdad brings up an interesting point that I forgot to include in my original topic and that is BNC vs RCA or a combination of both.  Does anyone have experience in SQ between an RCA and BNC plug?   ... 
Great results with NPS 1260?!
Time to paste the rest of your system including speaker cable tips and all of the power cords.  
Here is my beef
Audiogon will filter PM if you try to send a phone number or email.  
GIK Vicoustic and others
I am only going to speak to acoustics.  I have ordered from Vicoustic and GIK.  I think you should ask either Vicoustic or GIK to provide a free room analysis.  They will tell you what you need in your basement.  It is a waste of time asking us.    
The best cost no object tube DAC
I wonder what the Op ended up buying?  I have a Lampi Pacific and am about to order the new Lampi Horizon.  
Why People Like Tekton
Do we have to have another thread on Tekton?  Enough already and I own a whole theater room set.  
Quantum Science Audio Thread
@jerry1231 At how good they are?  Has she heard them?    
Does your sound room stink?
Thanks, I just bought one for my bathroom  
Quantum Science Audio Thread
@ozzy Well, imo you put the Red in the right source component.  I get the cost implications.  I can afford it BUT still have a hard time thinking about spending $1400 for a frickking fuse.  
Quantum Science Audio Thread
@ozzy Which do you like better?  Purple or red?  How would you describe the sound differences?  Is it even possible to tell the difference?    
Pre amp discussion/ recommendations sub $10k
Check out Canary Audio C1800.  I have one that is a year old.  If interested send me a private note.  
How much of High End Audio is Horn Speakers?
@vladtheimpala  There are many to choose from. Take your pick. If horns were the answer, then I suppose that Magicos, Rockfords, Bowers and Wilkins, Focals, Raidhos, KEFs, Monitor Audios, Sonus Fabers, Stenheims, Wilsons, MartinLogan's, Dalis, TA... 
Favorite song to demo or test drive speakers?
Mt Joy -  Younger days....want to hear what the guitar sounds like Anette Askvik - liberty....want to hear the sax solo Nils Lofgren Band Live - Girl in Motion...want to hear guitar solos Nils Lofgren Band Live - Bass and Drums....want to hear ... 
Do I really need a preamp with dac with volume control help
Save your money.  You do not need a Pre for your second room.  I just recently tried my Lampi Pacific DAC as a pre and cou0ld not believe how good the sound was without a Pre.  You can always add a Pre down the road if you are not happy.