
Responses from willgolf

Synergistic Research HFT's
@jpan -  I was shocked at the level of improvement I received once I add Vicoustic Acoustic Cinema Round Acoustic panels to my walls. I already have 18 HFT's scattered around.  The panels aren't even in a position where they would be most effectiv... 
Room treaments
I have a theater room your size.  I added 4x8 wall panels from 4seating.com.  I have plush carpet on the floor and nothing on the ceilings.  Believe it or not it is almost to much.  It is great for the theater room but not for a two channel room.I... 
FM = Fuses Matter.My scientific empirical evidence.  My ears....that is all I need. 
Fuse degradation?
Oh my, the three dollar bushman fuse will get you by, but if you want to hear even more detail and resolution,  try a QSA or SR fuse.  It makes a difference....agree with MillerCarbon.  I can't speak to SR purple because it is brand new but I have... 
To horn or not to horn
My dream horns - AER PNOE, Viking Acoustic Gottenburg.   
Looking for new speakers for large audio room
When I heard my first horn speaker it was the Avantgarde Uno Fino.  From there I went on a mission to find a great horn speaker.  I came across a company called Viking Acoustic.  After talking to the owner ( David Counsell) and visiting his studio... 
Would love to see an unbiased shootout between the QSA purple and the SR purple 
Speakers for triode tube amps
Late to the party but would you consider a horn speaker?  My Viking Acoustic Grande Voix are 98db.  Check out the Viking line starting with the Berlin R and call David Counsell who is the owner, designed and builder.   
McIntosh Tube vs SS w/ Sonus Faber Aida II
My local dealer has SF / Wilson and Mac. IMO, they only push those lines period.  What other amp choices did the dealer have to demo?  Aida are really good speakers.  Electronics are super important.  I hope you had a chance to compare other amps.... 
Quantum Science Audio Thread
There is a specific direction to put your QSA fuses in that I published somewhere earlier in this thread.  There was a lot of discussion on another thread which has disappeared today on a prototype fuse that is coming out next month.  Given the de... 
Experience with HFTs
I have 18 HFT's.  Two are missing or fell off and are lost.   My wife hates them and everyone that comes to our house tries to take them off the walls.  I can say that I have not followed the exact guidelines due to the room structure.  I probably... 
Quantum Science Audio Thread
@kingbarbudaIs this the 1260 paste that was being referred to earlier as an alternative to Total Contact and preferred over Total Contact by (at least) one person here?No, I used 1260 contact enhancer.  It is $350 for a 1.5 ml bottle.  I don't thi... 
DAC/ Streamer - to upgrade or not to upgrade?
Ditch the Roku.  You never said what your budget is?  Lumin makes a great DAC/ Streamer.  The Lumin app is super easy to use and is also tied to Tidal and Qobuz.  I have had the D-2, A-1 and finally upgraded to the X-1.  The X-1 is the top of the ... 
LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?
I have approximately 35 hours on the 16 WE tubes.  They are not fully biased yet but are currently at about 85%.  I was told to break them in slowly and that is what I am doing.  I will take up to full bias in a couple of days.Early impressions co... 
Dropouts From Server
I don't think it has anything to do with your increasing your internet speed.  What modem are you using?  What router?  What network switch?  Maybe try unplugging what ever you have to re-boot the whole system.