
Responses from willgolf

My endgame system I think
Did I miss it?  What is your end game system?  
Boutique or Big Brand?
I went on a year-long speaker search around the USA.  I listened to at least 50 different brands.  My suggestion is to attend an audio show if you can.  At least there is a wide variety of speakers that you can listen to.  I traveled the NY / NJ m... 
OCD audio guy naming shady Audiogon dealers by name
I have built three houses with theater rooms in each.  For these purposes, I would go to a store like GHT.  That said, don't plan on getting any deal as you are paying for that overhead including the furniture and art.   For my two-channel area, ... 
Music Server - Baetis
Wow, this is an old thread.  I ended up getting an 8tb Lucas Audio LDMS music server.  It is the one component that made the biggest impact on my system.  It is a Roon Core run from my IPAD.  The clarity and detail of my digital are supreme.  I al... 
Fuse Direction for Pass Labs Amp and Preamp
Op...you really need to try one fuse at a time.  Otherwise, you won't know which component sounds good or bad.  My beef with SR is that they don't tell you the direction.  With QSA fuses they do.  I have all QSA yellow fuses in my system.  
Speaker Recommendation Help Please.
Op - your dilemma was mine also.  I have had two brand new modern houses in the last three years.  Both houses were a combination Kitchen / Great Room.  My wife could not understand why I could not just get in-wall speakers.  I also had to place t... 
Your thoughts on my quest for new speakers
If you live in NJ then you owe it to yourself to call Brian Charney from Charney Audio.  Go listen to his speakers.    
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
@highstream ---it almost sounds like you still may not have them in the right directions.  That is my big complaint about SR.  If you have multiple fuses it is hard to discern which one in right and notright.  Trial by error....one fuse at a time.  
What was the most impactful addition to your system?
Lucas Audio LDMS Music server.  It just took my music up two levels.  
Quantum Science Audio Thread
IMHO source first is the way to go all things being equal.    
High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260
Once the new kid on the block is marketed, this belongs on a thread of its own.  
Lumin X1 or dCS Bartok
@djek -- I can tell you the X-1 that I used to own was extremely close to my Lampizator Pacific in SQ.    
Will DAC always sound better going straight into a Power Amplifier?
@charles1dad ---and when I get my new Lampi Horizon it is even better, which has already been proven in A/B comparisons.  
Quantum Science Audio Thread
@macdude Thanks for the Purple update. Are the Beesweek fuses directional? Do they state what direction?  
Will DAC always sound better going straight into a Power Amplifier?
I have a Lampizator Pacific that I tried three months ago to go direct to my 300B mono amps.  I was shocked at how good it sounded.  As a result, I sold my $20k tube preamp.  I am 100% digital so that made my decision easy.  So, I guess I am in th...