
Responses from willemj

Is my Amp OK?
Well, I am a scientist and I cannot accept uncontrolled sighted experiments. There are rules to distinguish fantasy from fact, and in my book alternative facts are just fantasies. So why do people put more faith in their owned flawed experiences t... 
Who makes budget speaker cables which are truly “good” or “exceptional” in quality?
Please recommend a PreAmp for my 5.1 home theatre system
Oppo: https://www.oppodigital.com.au/blogs/reviews-resources/15420449-using-your-oppo-as-a-pre-amplifierFor digital vs analogue volume control, I simply repeat the reference to the Sabre presentation (there is also a longer text by Sabre but I cou... 
Is my Amp OK?
No speaker is ever better than a decent amplifier. Frequency response of even the best speakers is at best within +/- 2dB for the central part of the spectrum. Good amplifiers stay within 0.2 dB, or even far less. Distortion figures are a similar ... 
Please recommend a PreAmp for my 5.1 home theatre system
Why not? There is no technical reason not to use the volume control on the analogue outputs. Just look a that Sabre presentation. Times have changed. 
Is my Amp OK?
See my earlier post. Additionally I just checked the output level of your DAC and there is no chance that the DAC's output will clip the Rotel's input. You are absolutely fine with this much clean power. 
Bluray Hi Rez audio
Your current Oppo alrerady has optical and coaxial digital outputs, I am almost sure up to 24/96, and it does DSD according to the manual. The main justification for moving up to the Oppo 205 would be to have 4K video (if there is any source mater... 
Is my Amp OK?
Of course not. 
Please recommend a PreAmp for my 5.1 home theatre system
There is no problem using the Oppo's volume control. Once upon a time digital volume ocntrols were not a good idea as it cost you bit depth. These days, with internal 32 bit processing, this no longer applies. See here for a presentation by Sabre:... 
Bluray Hi Rez audio
I am not quite sure what you want: hdmi into usb? The Oppo UDP 203 has both optical/coaxial digital and hdmi audio output. Since you are using the digital outputs bypassing the internal DAC there is no need for the more expensive UDP 205 with its ... 
Which subwoofer best pairs with B&W 804 diamonds?
Crucial is room interaction. I have been more than pleassed with the Antimode 8033 room eq unit: http://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/dspeaker-anti-mode-8033-dsp-subwoofer-equalizer-tas-204/As far as I am concerned, no sub should ever be used ... 
Using Oppo 205 instead of per amp processor
An Oppo 105 or 205 is indeed a perfect preamplifier - you do not need an extra pre amp in the chain. All it will do is potentially degrade the sound (and cost you money that could be spent better elsewhere). 
Recommendations for music network player
I may be useful to realize that the streaming part does not have a sonic signature - bits are bits as long as the output is bitperfect. So for the streaming part the overriding concern is convenience and the availability of apps. For that reason I... 
Please recommend a PreAmp for my 5.1 home theatre system
The Oppo does have a volume control so you do not even need a pre amp. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Distortion of the first watt or less is not really a serious concern with well designed amplifiers, and not a good reason to avoid powerful amplifiers. See here for a test of a 2x350 watt monster amp: even below 1 watt distortion is very low, and ...