
Responses from willemj

New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
In Europe, consumer protection agencies have gone to court in comparable cases to argue that this is consumer fraud - and won their cases. Contract law in many EU countries stipulates that products have to be fit for purpose, so sellers may have t... 
What is really the purpose of streaming??
There are no sonic differences between cd's and red book 16/44 streams as from Tidal or Qobuz (provided the same DAC is used, of course). The difference is the convenience and the access. The latter in particular is something I value greatly. Sudd... 
This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in.
Maybe you should call it cleaner. It is certainly more accurate because if the preamp does change the signal, by definition that is degradation. 
This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in.
I could not agree more with George hifi about the virtues of passive pre'amps' that are not even amps of course. In the old days, with sources of highly varying but often pretty low output level (plus phono that needed riaa equalization as well) y... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Good find and indeed strongly recommended. Was listening to Kuijken's Johannnes Passion only the other day. 
Audiophile Setup with an Iphone 7
Thanks for the link. I read the Darko piece, but note (not for the first time) that he presents no hard evidence for what on theoretical grounds is a pretty implausible argument. I honestly do not think he is someone to take very seriously. Anyway... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Haendel Messiah, under Christopher Hogwood. 
Putting your components inbetween your speakers.
Positioning them on a rack in between the speakers always reminds me of an altar.My personal preference would be for having as much of the gear as possible out of sight. We have that with our modest bedroom system, with an Ava Maestro 50 digital a... 
5-10k budget... so many choices
I never felt the need for a centre speaker. 
need advice for sound improvement
The speaker cables should indeed not be a problem, unless the cables would be very thin. See here for some data: http://www.audioholics.com/audio-video-cables/speaker-cable-gauge In general, if a speaker cable has to be long, the solution is simpl... 
need advice for sound improvement
That is a small room for this much bass output, and your description matches precisely the consequences (room modes). Moreover, transmission line speakers can have a lot of bass, but it sometimes is too much concentrated in a small part of the fre... 
Advice from members
It is not so easy to decide if you really have a problem. Go to a live concert of classical music and you will discover that music is not always so clear, and can even sound harsh. Did you measure the frequency response at higher frequencies (your... 
5-10k budget... so many choices
Why not have a 2 channel system for both HT and music? You lose out on the special effects, but you gain in sound quality, because your budget only has to cover two speakers, and because getting bulky ones is not so inconvenient/ugly in your inter... 
Advice from members
So you use the main speakers and the sub as one in your correction? I am not sure correcting all the way up to 500 Hz wil help much. Correction becomes increasingly localized to an ever smaller listening position, the higher the frequency.Whatever... 
Advice from members
Room equalization is great for frequencies below the Schroeder frequency. Above that, it will be pretty ineffective, and you will need damping materials (carpets, bookcases etc). In your case, the Dual Core is connected to the subwoofer (I assume)...