
Responses from whoopycat

Zu Audio loading resistors
Nelson Pass recommends it for the SIT-3:https://www.cnet.com/news/high-expectations-for-a-low-power-audiophile-amplifier/The Audiophiliac seemed to think it made a big difference. 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
This thread has turned into a Roseanne Rosannadanna skit:"Dear Chad,Sorry to hear about your experience with vinyl.  Unfortunately your cartridge sucks, your tonearm sucks, your phono stage is trash, your vinyl sucks, you haven't warmed up your sy... 
Best bookshelf speakers
Kosst, your killin’ me. Pick up the latest Stereophile. Don’t even open it. Just flip it over and look at the lovely Focal ad on the back cover.So let me get this straight... John DeVore is an amateur. As are Sean Casey, Keith Aschenbrenner, Andre... 
Best bookshelf speakers
My goodness, reading through this thread I don't think some of you are able to sleep at night without the security of knowing your speakers were designed by a bunch of dudes in white lab coats using a combination of Kevlar, berillyum, adamantium, ... 
What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
Decware ZROCK2 is exactly what you're looking for.I love mine. 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
Afrobeat jams on Zu... nice!  Sounds like my house. 
Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound?
Get a DAC with good bass & dynamics and then plug it into a Decware ZRock2 to warm it up.  Best of both worlds.  
I wonder how many audiophiles there are these days
Getting back on topic (PLEEZE), it depends on how you define audiophile.  For traditional, two-channel stereo systems with separate components, it is probably dying.I think the headphone scene is alive and well.Whether we like it or not, active sp... 
klipsch heresy 1 versus zu omen mk2
Have not heard Heresys (would like to) but I love my Omen DWs.  They are not the best speaker I have heard, but they are the most fun.  Big, dynamic, engaging sound.  I play mine with both tubes and solid state amps, so your Wyred amp should be fi... 
Why so few speakers have their price listed online
What kind of fool buys speakers worth thousands of dollars without hearing them? What kind of fool buys speakers worth thousands of dollars simply based on a visit to a dealer showroom?  C'mon man, nearly every speaker company that sells direc... 
Headphones as Models for Speakers? Interesting Read from Herb Reichert - Opinions Please
The other truly difficult part of Herb's ideal is the "direct connective-ness".  Headphones can connect directly to your ears.  Speakers have to interact with the room.   
In need high-efficency speakers
I'm a Zu Omen DW owner and love 'em, but in your case I would ignore all of our blather and just buy them both.  Zu gives you 60 days in home with free returns.  Crutchfield sells Heresys and also gives you 60 days and only charges $10 for returns... 
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile
Stereophile all day, every day.  At least Art and Herb and Fremer have good (diverse) taste in music.  Sorry folks but if you want to grow the hobby, the mags need to migrate away from reviewers who play nothing but classical and vocal, and gear d... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Hoping @213cobra weighs in with his thoughts on Druid VI.  His system with Druid VI is featured in monoandstereo.com.  Phil, you have an awesome system.  I don't know why but it kind of tickles me that you are converting your turntable signal to d... 
Agreed.  I put a piece up recently and did not get a whiff of interest, not even lowball offers, even after dropping the price 25%.  I also look at a lot of gear for sale I'd love to buy but don't have room for, and it just sits there unsold.  May...