
Responses from whipsaw

Shunyata Alpha HC Ztron power cord (discontinued) vs Shunyata Venom V10 NR cord (current)
FWIW, Grant (of Shunyata) was very helpful to me when I was considering various used options. I ended up with a Black Mamba CX HC, which he recommended highly. That was a couple of years ago, and I had a more recent exchange with him in which he ... 
Denafrips Pontus II Clicks Or Static?
A couple of related notes. While it is possible that the problem has finally been resolved, it was never apparent in the experience of all users, only (I would estimate) a relatively small percentage. So the fact that some users of the newest vers... 
Denafrips Pontus II Clicks Or Static?
@designsfx  Thanks. I have mentioned this a number of times previously, but Alvin, Denafrips' representative in Singapore, was always very communicative and helpful. However, the company itself has, in my view, handled this situation poorly, and ... 
Denafrips Pontus II Clicks Or Static?
@designsfx  Alvin originally told me that the issue was "likely caused by the FIFO buffer overrun". The first attempted firmware fix was released almost one year ago.  
Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k
@akg_ca I agree with your "TAKE", though I never suggested that the OP shouldn’t consider all options, nor that thinner wires are intrinsically superior to those with higher metal content. I was simply responding to Shaw’s unsupportable, sweepi... 
Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k
All other brands cables sound veiled, glare, and unnatural because they are made by people (and machine) who don’t know how to make audio cables. Wait – you own a cable business and write for The Onion!? Seriously, that’s a very poor way to at... 
Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k
A used pair of Audience AU24SX can be had within your budget. Great cables.   That's exactly what I am using, and I have no "grass is greener" urges. I also bought them used.  
Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k
Thin and really thin cores should be avoided regardless of how exotic the metal material is claimed as the lack of metal in the core conductor will increase resistance. As good of a speaker designer as Shaw may be, the above is an example of ho... 
Denafrips Pontus II Clicks Or Static?
Alvin at Vinshine has mentioned a firmware update in one of his most recent videos. As suggested above in my initial post, I do not believe that any firmware fix has resolved the problem. It may be possible that it has helped in some cases, but... 
How do you stop house guest from damaging your speakers?
I always demand a security deposit. 😆  
Denafrips Pontus II Clicks Or Static?
I am very familiar with the issue, and it ultimately caused me to sell my Pontus II. I now use an admittedly much more expensive Aqua La Scala DAC, but would likely have continued with the Pontus were it not for that issue and the way that it has ... 
Who Would You Spend A Day With - Pick Two
@dynamiclinearity  You're welcome. And as a related aside, I own a pair of his FinkTeam KIM speakers, and he has been both very responsive to direct communication, and helpful.    
Best sounding FM table radio ever made...
FM Radio Shootout: Those are tuners; this thread is about radios.  
Who Would You Spend A Day With - Pick Two
@dynamiclinearity I think that you mean Karl-Heinz Fink.  
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
Very good comment, @simao  The silly stereotyping of Rap music (as in the quote that you included) is a dead giveaway of the cultural myopia to which you refer. There are countless examples of Rap that shatter such stereotypes, and I will offer ...