Responses from whart
Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading Here are some off-hand observations: the market developed for racks which provide isolation and those can get pricey. Not dissing them, it is one choice. The alternative is to use basic, substantial racks of some sort and do the isolation part w... | |
What About LiFePO4 Batteries and Pure Sine Wave Inverters? I don't know if Living Voice will sell you just their inverter- they have been doing a serious battery array for big systems for years. May be worth reading up and giving them a ring (UK). | |
The Midnight Effect - Who-How? @knittersspouse- I found your post informative. Can you focus on the OP's use of power regenerators? That is, devices like the PS Audio boxes that are akin to amplifiers and take power from the wall receptacle but then "regenerate" it? The impre... | |
Upgrades and repairs on hi fi components Peter Ledermann at Soundsmith used to repair ARC stuff-he recapped and retubed a Dual 75a that I’ve owned since new. It is now due for another go-over (haven’t had it running for more than a decade but still). I found a local guy, Atomic Tube her... | |
The Midnight Effect - Who-How? @rooze - it was always an audiophile "truth" that systems sounded better at night when there was less demand on the grid. It does make some sense to me since you are essentially playing your power supplies with amplifiers and those in turn depend ... | |
The Midnight Effect - Who-How? I can hear when each of the two systems I have "open up" and it has nothing to do with substance intake. The vintage system warms up faster- the Quad Loudspeakers are plugged in constantly so under full charge. The Quad II amps with real GEC KT66s... | |
Getting into vinyl for the first time You don’t want to be clueless. In terms of gear, all of it matters, from the phono cartridge to the phono stage, to the wires, the arm and the cartridge. Then you have the issue of the current vinyl market- overinflated in my estimation, both in... | |
Is Bill Thalman man still working on Conrad Johnson's? I'm sad to say Bill passed away. See https://musictechnology.com | |
Sagging power plugs in wall outlet, diy @jea48 - what a nice, neat job you did, looks like a finished product. Using Legos- when you really want to let people know you are "serious" about sound. Fun thread- it is an issue. Mine was just a quick fix and I don't mind the appearance in ... | |
Sagging power plugs in wall outlet, diy @jea48 's idea is clever. I know Furutech makes an even more expensive cord support. I glued hockey pucks together in stacks, use 'em for this purpose. Cheap but effective and requires zero skills. | |
How would you spend my next $5K? I hadn’t looked at the photo, so credit to the ever lovely @tablejockey. First impressions on that score- get the rack on a side wall and at a minimum cover the TV- I like dead space in between the speakers and nothing reflective. People can argue... | |
How would you spend my next $5K? As a long time LP guy, this is not a good time to start going deep into vinyl record playback. Records, even the crap I considered standard "used bin" that was 4-8 US dollars, is now 30 dollars plus online and optimistically graded. I buy mostly o... | |
12AX7A preamp tubes - ribbed vs smooth plate Sorry to be the bearer of bad news re Bill Thalmann. We took the equipment he was going to restore for me down to Virginia on our way out of NY when we moved to Texas in January, 2017. Met Bill, got a tour of the shop, he touched base while he was... | |
A.I. music To me, AI is the current "pet rock." We have undergone SXSW 2024- and all the panels were devoted to this. I wouldn’t mind learning how to code in Python, only to understand the technical side better. I’ve been a copyright lawyer for more than 40 ... | |
12AX7A preamp tubes - ribbed vs smooth plate I only have one component in my main system that uses this tube- Lamm ML2 SET amps. I found the ribbed plate gives a little more bite to the amp, rather than making it too silky, but upline, I’m all tube. I like this blog: https://medialux.blog/2... |