Responses from whart
colibrie I spent a lot of time in Stockholm back in the mid-90's for work- really enjoyed the culture, the food, the people. The old town was wonderful and there was also a "hot dog" stand not far from the opera house that had great dogs. Been quite a whil... | |
colibrie Man, these things look like space heaters- even more so than my beloved QUAD loudspeakers (which I’ve owned since 1974, with sympathetic restoration from Kent McCollum). I do have a pair of Avantgarde Duos that I bought new back in 2006 or so. C... | |
Audiophile Surge Suppressor (and nothing else) @terry9 @total111 --All good here. Texas is unimaginably huge- I was in touch with some folks in Denton, which is north of Fort Worth (famous for its music school, particularly jazz performance) and asked them how they fared given the hurricane/... | |
Audiophile Surge Suppressor (and nothing else) @zlone--I have a few observations, no single theme. When I lived in the Lower Hudson Valley (between Nyack and Piermont) our power would go out if somebody sneezed. It was just ancient infrastructure. Here in Austin, though I’m in an old house in ... | |
Audiophile Surge Suppressor (and nothing else) ZeroSurge is not a conditioner AFAIR, and there were some clones under other brand names. (Non-MOV). I use it to power my vintage QUAD loudspeaker, which requires voltage (a lot) to be on for 24+hours. I never unpowered it. I don't like those pl... | |
Sound insulation advice for home theater room in middle of the house? In answer to your question whether the doors make mass loaded vinyl impracticable, it may depend on how they are hung, I have successfully used MLV with large melamine sheets. The combo is a sound deadener.- This isn’t acoustic treatment, it is s... | |
Ultrasonic Record Cleaner 40 v 80 v 120 kHz I think you have to back up and look at what kind of cleaning you need. I buy a lot of older pressings. They don’t clean up fully solely by use of US type cleaners. I learned that through experience. The question of frequency is a factor in choosi... | |
The Allure of Vintage Audio Gear @vitussl101 -Amen. Not all old equipment qualifies. And the brand name Marantz became a different story once Saul Marantz sold to Sony/Superscope. I still have my Quad 57s from 1974 that were sympathetically restored by Electrostatic Solutions an... | |
Classic Marantz and Citation vs modern I would love to have a tube 7 preamp. I remember it from back in the day and at one point tried to buy one, and got ripped off- eventually, I got recompense thanks to the Postmaster General. In terms of how it stacks up, I suspect that with judici... | |
Using a power strip in an old home that was build back in 1955 Upgrade your electrical system. The house I live in now was built in 1880. It probably had no electricity when built and over the years, probably went from 60 amps to 200. The previous house I owned in NY was originally built in 1780. I had the el... | |
Perhaps useless, but today is National Dog Day........ Then there are the Weiner dog races in Buda, Texas. Dauchshounds racing competitively. We went shortly after we got to Texas, and though we don’t have any dogs (cats, many), we had a blast. Folks took this really seriously, which made it even more... | |
CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports @no_regrets - yes, I think the CEC sounds better than the Oppo as a transport. I have a principal residence in Texas, so having somebody local to me is good. I really can't help you decide between the two decks. For a long time, I wasn't a dig... | |
Can You Trust a Shipper? (UPS, Fed-Ex, etc) I get stuff shipped to me via various carriers. The key is packing and palletizing. Bespoke shipping- the guy with the Halliburton case handcuffed to his wrist tends to cost. I once inquired about shipping jewelry- not something that is easily d... | |
CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports @no_regrets I'm a lousy test case- I used an Oppo briefly as a transport and my CD listening is probably 5% of what I hear- I usually only fire up a CD of something that is impossible to get on LP or is crazy expensive and use it as a basis to dec... | |
CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports I have the CEC TL 5. It needed something shortly after I got it and Audio Union here in the States serviced and returned it to me in a week. The remote is a cheesy plastic job, but you can buy a heavy aluminum one that is more appropriate. Have no... |