
Responses from wc65mustang

Planar speaker that don't require herculean amp?
Duke you really need to stop mentioning your products in every post even though you are not recommending them. Can't you see the problem? Communicate them in private emails. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Stiltskin, I am using the 1957 metal based Philips miniwatt in my Grange and it is absolutely spectacular. I replaced the 5881 regulators with a matched quad of 1952 Westinghouse 6F6GT. Hard to believe it could get any better.Let us know what you ... 
Tube Pre
If you're willing to wait 6-9 months it doesn't get any better than the Supratek Grange. Good luck! 
New Records noisy
>>Jaybo, I'm afraid you don't know what you’re talking about<<This is quite common in this and other threads. 
A blood oath among Audiogonistas
A tip of my CAPS to you. 
Audio Aero Prima
I owned a Prima for about a year. Although it's a good and competent player, it is not a great one. The transport unquestionably leaves a lot to be desired and it is not a particularly well built machine. Perhaps the new transport will change that... 
Why am I experiencing listener's fatigue?
First, your mindset does not create listener fatigue in 99% of the cases. That is caused by incorrect or mismatched components most likely the speaker/amp/wire combination. Second, tweeter grille covers will make, at best, a negligible difference. 
Is Star Sound Technologies out of business?
Wake up on the wrong side of your web fsarc? 
Outstanding Speakers, Outstanding
Come on guys. This Caravelle thing has been done over and over. We all know who the proponents are and how they feel. How much more is there? Let it RIP. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
My thoughts and prayers. 
Outstanding Speakers, Outstanding
Oh no! Another Caravelle marathon. 
Need MC Step-Up Transformer advice?
Pauly. Don't get him going. Ignore and move on. Unfortunately the more things change the more they stay the same with Raul. 
Need MC Step-Up Transformer advice?
I posted this tid bit in another thread and thought it might be appropriate here as well. Here goes:IMO the only response to Raul's posts is no response. He is entitled to his opinions, as misguided as most of them are, like everybody else here. T... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Barb and Pat, Next Wednesday will be the 10th anniversary of my wife's passing. Both of you are in my thoughts. I wish you peace.Bill 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Ecclectique, My Grange was ordered 11/04 and arrived 5/05 almost 7 months to the day. It was a custom built unit. I don't know the circumstances of Larry's situation but it does sound rather unusual. Email Mick and see what the lead time is right ...