
Responses from wc65mustang

Who was Peg?
Yes most of the vocal balance on Peg is on the left side. However as the recording progresses the vocals move more towards the center and at the end of Josie the vocals are predominantly on the right. If you play it backwards..... well you'll just... 
Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?
>>Bob Dylan's next<<Yes Dylan's voice is quite rugged now. It was, however, much better in the 60's and 70's. That being said he is unquestionably the single most important pop songwriter of the last 50 years. 
ZYX Universe, Dynavector XV-1s, vdH Colibri, ??
In that case, I'm defensive too. 
Who was Peg?
Wu's on first? 
Isoclean Fuse
ArtisticaudioPlease stop the tasteless self promotion and advertising. 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Larry, If I'm not mistaken it is a Russian designed (and built) tube with very few, if any, substitutes. Ecclectique and Whoopadeedoo, please jump in here.PS I just bought a dynamite pair of Siemens 7308 (circa 1972) to replace my Cca. Absolutely ... 
Ladies analogy lover?
If it was as much about the music as it is about the equipment you'd see a much larger female participation. Let's face it, this hobby has a lot in common with 60's and 70's muscle cars. High performance, powerful, fast, and slick looking machines. 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Hi Larry, I bought my GT's from Brendan at Tube World. I've dealt with most tube vendors and I find that his selection and quality is unparalleled. He's not always the lowest priced but he stands behind the sale which to me is important when you'r... 
Isoclean Fuse
What artistic audio is doing here is tantatmount to posting an advertisement. There is a separate section of Audiogon for such activity. Please refrain sir. 
Isoclean Fuse
Here's my advice. Don't spend $25 for a fuse. 
tyler linbrook signatures vs. b&w 802
B&W is one of the most overrated and overpriced speakers on the market. Kudos to companies such as Silverline, Tyler, Merlin, Coincident, etc. as mentioned for offering superior speakers at lower prices. 
ZYX Universe, Dynavector XV-1s, vdH Colibri, ??
Raul, Have you seen Arthur Salvatore's latest posting on the Zyx Airy 3S? He calls it the best cartridge ever heard in his system. Maybe you should upgrade your other components to take advantage of the Zyz Airy 3S's sonic superiority. 
Sinatra question
Well it's not pre-1950 and others will disagree but "In the Wee Small Hours" is as good as Sinatra gets for me. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I'll email you outside of the thread 
ZYX Universe, Dynavector XV-1s, vdH Colibri, ??
How about "Brothers in (Tone)arms"Now kiss and make up fellas.