
Responses from wc65mustang

indra users/fans---
LOLOLI guess anything sounds good on your Bose 901's huh??? 
indra users/fans---
If you have a low resolving system, a lot of cheap cables will sound good. NBS is highly overrated and overpriced. 
indra users/fans---
>>The NBS would be even better between the preamp and amp<<Not a snowballs' chance in hell. 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
Autumn LeavesBTW regarding a previous post "Angel Baby" was recorded by Rosie and the Originals not Ruby and the Romantics 
ZYX Universe - Unipivot or Dual Gimbal arm
Sorry speedy but you're drinking too much kool aid here. Raul is more than an "enthusiastic hobbyist" as you would like to believe. If that were the case he would not be so rude, uncompromising, and intolerant of others' points of view. Furthermor... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Doc, My comments pertained only to the Grange not the Cortese. I have no experience with it.Thanks for the tip but I already own "Lost in Space". If you like that check out the albums by Til Tuesday. She was the lead singer, bassist, and songwrite... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
FWIW, on my Grange the E180F tubes are in front followed by the Cca (6922) and as Slipknot points out the tubes get taller going towards the back. Perhaps yours is configured differently. Good luck. 
Audiophiles... Why Men? Any woman here?
Thanks for the kind words Rushton. I was simply having fun in my earlier post. Let me get serious for a moment to articulate some of the reasons women don't get involved much in this hobby:1. They don't understand that more expensive is always bet... 
Manly Steelhead - any downside??
Only the very best and that's because they say so. Don't argue or you'll be asked to leave. 
Anyone ever us V Caps capacitors in Amps?
I added a combination of V-Caps and Mundorf caps in my Supratek Grange (preamp) and it is worth every dollar to me. The dynamics and transients are spectacular. 
Manly Steelhead - any downside??
Please don't ask him questions. It only results in a scolding and/or lecture. Just tell him he's right and say thanks. 
VdH VTA setting preferences
I posted this tid bit in another thread and thought it might be appropriate here as well. Here goes:IMO the only response to Raul's posts is no response. He is entitled to his opinions, as misguided as most of them are, like everybody else here. T... 
ZYX Universe and Lyra Titan
I posted this tid bit in another thread and thought it might be appropriate here as well. Here goes:IMO the only response to Raul's posts is no response. He is entitled to his opinions, as misguided as most of them are, like everybody else here. T... 
Audiophiles... Why Men? Any woman here?
Much too expensive. They would have to change components every season. Wait a minute we do that too. Never mind. 
Manly Steelhead - any downside??
IMO the only response to Raul's posts is no response. He is entitled to his opinions, as misguided as most of them are, like everybody else here. The record is replete with his omniscient and combative ideas so why not let him go? I for one take n...