
Responses from wc65mustang

Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Why not invest 5K and let us know? I have no problem spending your money to find out!!!!:-) 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
AFAIK= As far as I know. Mick told me not to bother rolling mine. He said there is no susbtitute and that other manufacturer's px4 will make no difference. Instead I focused on the signal, rectfier, and regulator tubes along with the coupling capa... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
AFAIK there is no replacement for the PX4/n. 
VdH VTA setting preferences
Thanks for the info. Regarding the tilting back of the arm, I probably should clarify my earlier post. With a bubble level placed on my tonearm, only 5%-10% of the bubble sits outside of the guides. To a naked eye the tonearm appears perfectly lev... 
VdH VTA setting preferences
FWIW, in a related but not vdH specific matter, my Zyx Airy 3 likes the ass end down just a tad also. Not much mind you, but enough to make the difference quite noticeable.Zyx owners talk to me. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Simon, FWIW the Sylvania 1958 6SN7WGT Chrome Top is a killer tube. One of my favs. Good luck. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Simon, IMO it's important to know who you are buying tubes from. Many of the NOS tubes for sale are 30-50 years old and their history/storage/handling is critical. I have a vendor whom I trust because all of the tubes are tested and guaranteed. Th... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Whether or not Mick chooses to comment on this incident publicly, there's a lot more going on here than the second buyer knows, according to a reliable source. 
New cart, step-up or ???
I give up. 
Isolation Devices, Something to put on top of unit
But the company you work for sells brass coupling and isolation devices don't they?????? 
New cart, step-up or ???
Raul I'm curious, which person(s) here on Audiogon do YOU feel know as much as you about audio? Inquiring minds (me) are fascinated with this question. Thanks in advance. 
Isolation Devices, Something to put on top of unit
I don't think we need dealers giving advice about products they sell do we? Do it via private email. Conflict of interest IMO. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
>>I still maintain that as you move towards hi-rez speakers you will hear more of what your Suprateks are doing.<<Steve, I don't think anybody would argue this point but the same could be said of any reference level component be it int... 
Historical look at amps
Let's not jump all over Muralman without the consideration of his rather unique situation. How many of us are driving one of the most difficult loads (Apogee Scintilla 1 ohm) in all of home audio? Very very few I'll bet. I had Apogee Calipers and ... 
What do you hear?
Sell the entire system and start from scratch.