
Responses from warnerwh

Room Suggestion
Extrastrong: Soundboard comes in 4x8 sheets and supposedly helps damp sound more than an extra layer of sheetrock. From what I gather it appears just an extra layer of sheetrock would be fine although is about the same price if I remember correctl... 
Room Suggestion
If you're asking which room to use I'd use the basement or the second room. If you don't mind building a room in the basement that would be my pick. That's exactly what I did here. The best thing about it is I used soundboard, resilient channel th... 
Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
Any pro music shop has them. Best prices are probably found doing a google. Like the above guy states you definitely want the ECM8000 microphone. While you're waiting to get it being as nobody else has mentioned it, download the manual and read it... 
Aragon 8008 bb vs. Krell KSA-150
You're on the right track. Just keep reading. Something that will help more than an amp, preamp or dac is room treatment. This can be fairly inexpensive and reward you with big dividends. Your system will not perform as well as it could without ro... 
Source of woofer buzz?
You can repair the surround on the woofer. It is probably still good. New foam surround kits can be bought on the net or Ebay. It's pretty easy to do.A cheater plug is something you can get at any hardware store for 50 cents. You plug your three p... 
Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
I agree with Eldartford but a remote control to change curves may make it worth while. It's unfortunate that so many recordings were poorly done. 
Aragon 8008 bb vs. Krell KSA-150
I'd buy the 8008bb and call it good. They're much less money and newer. If you buy an older Krell that runs pretty hot I'd plan the possiblity that it could use some new caps. Same person designed both amps. The Aragon is also a brute. When it com... 
CD-player for $1100 - Can I do any better?
Channel Islands new dac for only 600 bucks I'll bet is worth a look at. These have only been shipping for about a week but after discussing the design on the phone with Dusty 600 bucks is a bargain. The above poster makes a great point. There's a ... 
Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
In the middle of this page is a place to get modecalc. It will tell you where your room modes are at. Just punch in the dimensions of your room. http://www.audioholics.com/techtips/roomacoustics/ModeCalculatingroommodes.php 
Weird Setup - Will it Work?
Sell the Nad and buy a good vintage tuner. A speaker switch box from Radio Shack will serve her well. The Portal Panache integrated is a good choice and has good current delivery even into low impedances you may run into with two sets of speakers. 
RM-40's up against VERACITY 3's
I believe you'll be very happy. I've no doubt the Salks sound excellent, especially for what Jim charges for them. The B&W's in my opinion sound good but cost too much for what you get. There's a large gap between what you can get from Vmps fo... 
Best speakers of the group? Your opinions please
I'll add that the way each of those speakers interacts in your room will also have a significant affect on it's sound. One speaker you may like better in a different room than your own may not sound as good as in your own room. It could possibly s... 
Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
Eldartford: The bass is where the parametric can be where it really shines as you can tame the room modes at the exact frequencies. Also Behringer doesn't recommend using the auto eq mode for any frequency under 100. Didn't try it that way though ... 
Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
Eldartford: I just used the parametric to fine tune. The 1/3rd octave graphic eq is good but with the extra tweaking of the parametric after the autoeq I've been able to make the sound a tad better. I end up dialing in my system to sound best with... 
RM-40's up against VERACITY 3's
There are a number of speakers in your price range that are excellent. They will all sound different from one another and from one room to another. The only way to really know is to at least go hear them. Also at audiocircle.com is Selah Audio. Ri...