

Responses from waltersalas

Tekton Electon/DI compares to what?
Look, I understand the skepticism toward Tekton speakers and even, to a degree, some of the backlash over their "sudden" popularity. For sure, a healthy skepticism is a highly desirable quality in the world of high end audio. I was skeptical mysel... 
Tekton Electon/DI compares to what?
Missoncoonery, some wouldn't know the truth if it stung them in the hindquarters. I continue to be impressed how much time people will spend and how many posts some members will make on speakers they have never heard. Some kind of pathology, I rec... 
Tekton Electon/DI compares to what?
I see the Tekton Trolls are out in force today. What's the matter boys? Slow day at the office? 
Tekton Speakers,Who owns them and what did you replace and why.
Kenny,Yes, that is a pretty fair summary of what I am trying to say. When I try new things in my system--whether it is a DAC, a pair of interconnects, an amp, speakers, or anything else--it all comes down to how engaged I am in listening to the mu... 
Tekton Speakers,Who owns them and what did you replace and why.
I replaced a pair of Daedalus Ulysses speakers with the Double Impacts. I spent three weeks pulling what's left of my hair out trying to choose between them, as I thought each had very particular strengths. If I had been forced to choose in two we... 
Current speaker threads are boring
Yes, a separate thread where Tekton detractors can gather and kvetch about speakers they've never heard sounds perfect to me. And much easier to ignore than the persistent trolling in the existing Tekton threads. Have at it, boys! 
Current speaker threads are boring
"Cost enough." I see. Or rather, I don't, but it is good to see that the Tekton police have made an appearance to keep out the riff raff. 
Current speaker threads are boring
Just so we understand the parameters of high end and "midlevel stuff," can you define the levels for us? How much do I need to spend on speakers before they are "really high end"? How about amps? Sources?I am not sold on a direct correlation betwe... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Years ago, I ordered a Supratek preamp and waited nearly nine months to get it. There were quite a few others who waited nearly as long or longer, as the designer lives in Australia and is (or was) a one-man show. It was a long wait, but worth it ... 
Wilson Audio Duette 2's vs Tekton Ulf's
Mr_m,Until today, I don't think I've made a single post that anyone could construe as "defensive" of Tekton. I was intrigued by what I read about them, made a relatively minor investment in shipping charges to audition them, and reported on what I... 
Wilson Audio Duette 2's vs Tekton Ulf's
Missioncoonery, with all due respect, your persistent negativity toward Tekton speakers and those who own them has grown tedious in the extreme. There is a very noticeable and annoying air of condescension in your posts toward those  of us (and ye... 
Line magnetic 508 with Tekton Double Impacts. Match Up
Yep, I'm your man, bobster50. And thanks for the nice words, Charles. I don't know if I have "golden ears," but I have had a lot of equipment in and out over the years and tried lots of different speakers, amps, sources, and cables in my room, and... 
Allnic 1201 and Herron VTPH-2
Al is correct. I have owned both of these excellent phono stages, though I had them in different systems at different times and thus cannot comment on precise head-to-head similarities and differences between the two. I thought both of them were, ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Welcome to this growing and cheerful gathering, Bill M, and congratulations on your order of the Double Impacts. Glad to hear that you are also considering the LM 508ia integrated, which I am enjoying so much that I have not been the least bit tem... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Thanks for all the kind comments, folks, and I appreciate in particular the nice remarks from Charles and Al, two longtime members here for whom I have the utmost respect. It is also great hearing from fellow Double Impact enthusiasts, a couple of...