

Responses from waltersalas

please help! which turntable , michell gyro se ,, pro ject rpm 10 carbon ,, avid diva 2 ?
I  would certainly recommend a Well Tempered Amadeus. (Full disclosure: I have an Amadeus MkII for sale now, but you can research this for yourself for an objective indication of how good these tables are). Very musical tables and a great value. A... 
Line Magnetic 508ia and the Elusive 805 Tube
@facten Thanks for the tip. I will give them a ring tomorrow. 
Line Magnetic 508ia and the Elusive 805 Tube
@stereo5 The dealer that sold me mine says that the stock tubes are so pricey that he usually recommends other options, including Psvanes. I may try a pair of those, or Fullmusic. Hoping for feedback from those with experience or links to sources ... 
Preamp Deal Of The Century- Update
@bpoletti Yes, I read it. As I mentioned before, this is an update of an old thread from sixteen or so years ago. I guess you could see at as self-promotion, but I think it would be of interest to many people who bought and loved Supratek amps and... 
Preamp Deal Of The Century- Update
@bpoletti Due respect, but it appears to me that Mick is answering questions in a forum about his products. I imagine most interested people would find his posts informative and helpful, especially since he is simply updating an old and very popul... 
Stan ( “stanwal” ) my he forever RIP
Very sorry to hear this. I missed a chance to meet Stan a couple of years back when he (briefly) moved to my town. We exchanged several messages and were making plans to get together when he suddenly had to move again for personal reasons. I was s... 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Brent,Great report! Vinyl is a different world, with lots of twists and turns. But it is FUN, especially finding great deals on records here and there. And then there is that sound. I hope you continue to enjoy the ride.Now back to our regularly s... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Congrats all around on those developing a brand new love affair with their SEs.I received mine a couple of weeks ago, but have not had much time with them yet. I've been holding off on commenting until I get more hours (a lot more) on them--I foun... 
Hidden Treasure
You just described half of my collection.Just a random offering: TImbuk 3. Great music, and nicely recorded, too. 
The Steep Canyon Rangers
Just a little taste of Balsam Range:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAsmkI0A6o0 
The Steep Canyon Rangers
@bdp24 Yes, you are spot on. If you ever get a chance to go to Merlefest--Steep Canyon plays it about every year--you will see a bunch of kids who are already unbelievable musicians because they had guitars, banjos, or fiddles put in their hands a... 
The Steep Canyon Rangers
See them if you can. They are lots of fun live. Sometimes, Steve Martin (yeah, THAT Steve Martin) plays with them. We were at Merlefest this past weekend, and they closed down the festival. 
Anyone in the Mid-South have Tektons (Double Impact, Electron or Double Impact Monitors)?
I live in western North Carolina, about an hour and a half from Knoxville, TN.Like david_ten, I have the SEs. They are still breaking in, but sound great. Let me know if that's within driving distance for you. 
Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts?
@david_ten Thanks so much. I am really excited to try them after all the glowing reports, and after spending nine months enjoying the Double Impacts. It's hard to imagine the SEs could be much better, but I've been encouraged by the reports I've r... 
Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts?
I don't know either, olesno, though I suspect it may be a combination of factors. There are quite a few detractors who have never heard them, but miss no opportunity to dump on them in the threads. There may be some expectation bias working in rev...